Mahama’s Character Offers Oxygen For Corruption There is now - TopicsExpress


Mahama’s Character Offers Oxygen For Corruption There is now a general consensus among Ghanaians, even including well-meaning and objective members of the ruling National Democratic Congress, that President John Dramani has been providing a dreary, aimless, and naive leadership for the nation since he assumed office as the number one public servant. And the rather calamitous consequence has been the state of abject hopelessness the nation has been plunged into, with Ghanaians struggling hard to fathom what is going on. But what has compounded the problem is the fact that it becomes a more terribly harrowing experience to live under a regime that is not only characterized with stark ineptitude, but also has innately corrupt, people placed at the helm of affairs, constituting themselves into a cabal that only seeks to ‘create, loot and share’ the nation’s resources. And, in fact, the situation becomes hopelessly desperate if we have a president like Mr John Mahama whose very character offers oxygen for corruption to flourish. President Mahama simply does not possess the will, attitude and capacity to spearhead any meaningful fight against the canker of corruption. And that is why corruption, especially looting of state funds, has been elevated to ridiculous levels, unprecedented in the country’s governance history, under his watch. And the reason is simple: Mr Mahama is not committed to fighting the canker, and only makes speeches about corruption and fails to take practical steps to deal with the problem. That is why it sounds weird to many individuals and groups in the country, including the Ghana Integrity Initiative, when President John Mahama seeks to claim that he has an unbeatable record in fighting corruption. The president, during Town Hall meeting in the USA last week, told a section of Ghanaians he is the only Ghanaian leader to prosecute corrupt government appointees, and so should be applauded for his so- called commitment to the fight against the canker. “A member of parliament of my own party is before the court as I speak, how many governments in the past will have the courage to prosecute their own people. Often governments won’t investigate corruption because if you investigate, it creates the perception that there is a lot of corruption but I believe that the first step in dealing with corruption is exposing them,” President Mahama said. I agree with the Executive Director of GII, Vitus Azeem, when he says the President’s pronouncements do not match his actions against corruption. Mr Azeem is absolutely right when he says President Mahama “makes good public pronouncements about the fight against corruption but the action is not forthcoming.” i want to add that the character of the president rather offers oxygen for the breeding of more corruption in the country: everybody is convinced he only preaches and won’t take any action. The cases of Info Subah solutions, GYEEDA, SADA and Woyome are few examples of President Mahama’s lack of commitment to the fight against corruption. Ghana now has a president who seems to have no scruples when it comes to rushing to offer promises he is not ready to fulfill. But certainly, Ghanaians can’t trust President Mahama to fight corruption, having supervised the unprecedented loot of the national kitty in the last quarter of 2012, all in a desperate bid to ‘buy’ votes. Just like the dark days of political oppression and suppression in the country, we also believe we now live under an economically suppressive and oppressive regime that is supervising the loot the state resources with gross impunity. And it is high time Ghanaians woke up from our slumber to deal with the economic saboteurs and vampires. And as the architects and engineers of the ongoing loot conspire to betray the trust of the sovereign people of Ghana, we join Dr Adjei Sarfo in cautioning them to “remember that they are the first casualties of their own misdeeds, since they have irredeemably attainted themselves and their own families for many generations to come. In the record books of our national history, they will forever be mentioned as the perpetual villains and nation wreckers on whose heads posterity will develop the pastime to utter a deluge of unspeakable calumniation. As they stay awake in the night and grapple with their seared conscience, they will suffer a type of incurable psychological damage because they have murdered the soul of the nation, and therefore will never sleep in peace.”
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 20:14:19 +0000

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