Maharishi: ‘Jai Guru Dev. . . I came out of India, the - TopicsExpress


Maharishi: ‘Jai Guru Dev. . . I came out of India, the Himalayas, with the blessings of Guru Dev, thinking that the knowledge that we want to spread in the world is so useful, so comprehensive, at the same time so simple, that it can lay open a very bright fortune for all mankind. And that I had expected when I came out of the Himalayas, because life is declared to be bliss. Life is declared to be Totality, “Aham Brahmasmi” in the Vedic literature—“I am Totality”. I am Atma, Brahm—my Self is total expression of Natural Law. And life is a wave of bliss, and life is a field of all possibilities. ‘I had hoped that much sooner than these fifty years that I have spent, the world would be awake. But what I see today is not the fulfilment of that aspiration. It’s a very barbaric world. It’s a very stupid world—from every point of view: religion, politics, economics, education, medicine, defence. From every point of view of life, the great gift of God—human life—is being abused, being wasted. Very, very precious life is being wasted in ignorance. ‘Every religion, every religious teacher, every head of religion pronounces God as omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. What is all this humbug!? ‘In every religion, the Light of God is upheld as omnipresent. Take just this one feature of the Light of God: omnipresent. Where is a religion today whose custodians can claim: Here is omnipresence, and here is the Light of God, and you live it! ‘Politics! Big power, big administrative power! You have the laws; you can hang a man, you can do anything, but where is order in society? Is there a nation, is there an administration which has created an ideal administration? The whole thing is a humbug! ‘Economics. Shame to the world economy! Half the world is not even having meals. And half the world, with all the great economy: murder, missile, arms. What is this? Pure stupidity! The world is not worth living. ‘The only way out is: individual, learn my Transcendental Meditation. Spend time morning and evening in the Self-exploration. Find the Light of God, the omnipresence of God—omnipresence. Just play on that one word: omnipresence. Omnipresence. Light of God is omnipresent. Where is omnipresence? Omnipresence is a field beyond boundaries. Beyond space and time is the field of the transcendent. It’s the field of the transcendent. Omnipresence is the field of the transcendent. ‘Practice my Transcendental Meditation and make use of the great gift of God. The Light of God is within you. Experience it. Here is a programme of easily experiencing it. And don’t bring a shame to your God, to your parents, to your teachers, to your religion, to your politics, to your economy. Wake up. Wake up or—surrender to mud! Individual, individual, individual, find your omnipresence, find your religion within yourself. ‘Today, it’s very obvious; it’s very obvious. I don’t like to say it: that the religion is non-existent today. Whether it is—whatever you call your religion—all are sailing on the same boat. ‘The call has been there for a year that it’s possible that with some bigger groups practising my [Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Mediation Sidhi] programme of peace in groups, the whole collective consciousness of the world could be maintained on a high level of harmony. ‘Royalties, very great royalties, sovereignties running away from their sovereign rules—they are running away,finding it hard [to know] where to go, where to go, where to go. It was not necessary if you have heard my voice. Even now, for all future, all these rulers of the world, they can hire groups, and I’ll train them all. Train them according to their religion. I’ll train them according to their system of politics, and then you’ll not be required to run away from country to country, saving your life and family here and there and there. ‘What it is the use of all the multitudes of wealth that all these great excellencies have; what is the use that you cannot save yourself, and you are running away? I have been shouting all along that it is possible to have prevention-oriented administration. It is possible to have in any society, in any country, in any group, prevention-oriented administration, either from a religious angle or from a political angle or from the angle of medicine—any angle. ‘Here is a total knowledge of enlightenment, total knowledge of enlightenment. You don’t have to run away from your great, sovereign countries, great, sovereign nations. What is the use of all this? When you are not able to find a place for your own safety, for your own living! What is all this? Plunging into danger, plunging into danger. What is this wisdom? What is this sovereignty? What is this world!? ‘Let’s have questions from the press. Only on the individual level there is hope for life. On the collective level, life is hopeless, life is cruel, life is suffering, life is a mud! . ‘We have the knowledge. We have the knowledge. This knowledge is the knowledge of the Almighty—omnipresent, omnipotent. These are not empty words. These are the words of substance. Here is a programme for experience. ‘But the light is only for those who don’t want to be remaining in darkness. Those who want to be in darkness, they must remain in darkness and face the consequences of tumbling down everywhere in the darkness. So, you have a choice, you have a choice, because your own Self is the Light of God, which is almighty, which is everywhere, omnipresent. ‘If you can engage some people, if you can engage some people, you can save your kingdoms, you can save your sovereignty. Otherwise, your sovereignty is a—don’t want to say too much on that. I think I have, I have been strong enough in the characteristic of the panorama of the world today. ‘Don’t pretend that you are the follower of any religion, or don’t pretend that you are a head of any religion. Don’t pretend that your religion can save you, or anyone can save you! ‘You, yourself, can save you through this knowledge of the Self, knowledge of the Unified Field, self-referral Unified Field, Atma, the Self. That is the Light of God. That is the Light of God. And here is a turnkey operation for you to experience it. ‘I leave a question. I leave a question to the press and to all the people who can think for themselves. My question is: how to do a deal with these people who, hearing words, don’t hear the meaning!? So blinded with either their religion or their politics or their education or their health care system. The whole thing is very untidy, very insufficient to handle any aspect of life. ‘The only saviour is one’s own Self within. And Self within is that transcendental field of reality, which is the Light of God. When the Light of God—you say and I say and everyone says [is] omnipresent, and pray to God—fine. But then, the prayer has to be on a level of the reality of the Light of God which is transcendental field, transcendental field of life. Transcendental is very easy of approach now for the last fifty years. ‘It’s easy for everyone to realize the Light of God. Light—it’s easy. I’ll repeat. It’s easy for everyone to realize the light of his God or the Light of his friend’s God or the Light of his enemy’s God. The Light of God is the same transcendental which is the field beyond reproach, a field beyond boundaries, a field which sustains itself all the time, everywhere, day and night. ‘It’s a matter of taking our awareness to the level of the transcendent, which is the level of the Light of God, and then enjoying! All the attributes that you have been saying, you have been hearing from your religious heads, from your religious preachers, from your parents, from everyone you have been hearing: merciful Father, omnipresent, Light of God, omniscient—He knows everything. But, He can’t help you out unless you are in his courtyard. His courtyard is within yourself—transcendental reality, transcendental reality. ‘And that is the field—fearless, fearless, fearless, fearless. All these great royalties running away from their palaces, royalties, this huge amount of fuss about their status, but, in reality, [there is] no place there where they can hide themselves. ‘Dr John Hagelin, you are a scientist, a great scientist. You can ask the viewers, our viewers who are listening: Is there any way to deal with this stupidity—of those who would hear, but hear not, who will see, but see not. All the religious books, textbooks, from all times they have been saying, “God is within you, don’t you see it, don’t you see it, don’t you see it, don’t you see it?” ‘It’s even time for future. If the governments, all these great royalties, to whatever religion they may belong, they should collect thousand, two thousand people, support them, keep them comfortably disposed, and allow them to pray within themselves, and they will create a beautiful world consciousness, a beautiful world consciousness. ‘The world has seen: peace is not in words. Peace is not in consultations, consultations, consultations, congregations—No! Silent prayers, prayers of the heart, prayers of the heart—in different words, different religions describe the Light of God within. ‘Here is a call! The time calls to the followers of all religions, to the preachers of all religions of all faiths, to teach the people to pray in large, large groups, in a manner so that the prayer will be heard. And where the prayer will be heard? The prayer will be heard on a level of reality which is omnipresent—that means, transcendental field of consciousness. ‘For every man whosoever, whether a politician or economist, or all those which I have counted, groups of deep meditations, large groups of deep meditations— doesn’t matter to what religion they belong—they will make this Light of God spread from their inner Being to the whole world. The message is the message of peace, of power, of affluence, of knowledge, of wisdom. ‘Wake up. It does not take long time to dive within yourself. With Transcendental Meditation and all these advanced techniques and Yogic Flying, which has proved to be radiating the Light of God, radiating harmony, peace in the whole atmosphere, this thing is the guiding light for peace on earth. ‘Don’t waste your life. Don’t waste your time, because you are the Light of God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don’t waste your life. Don’t waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope for your nation and for your world—because inside you are lively in that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What more you want? What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever expect, all that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] field of all possibilities lively within yourself. ‘Practice my programme. It’s possible for you. Gather groups, and my teachers throughout the world will train them, and they will radiate the light of peace everywhere throughout the world. This is the only way. Whether you do it today or tomorrow or don’t do it for centuries, [and] continue to suffer in the name of your religion or in the name of your politics, in the name of your democracy! . . . ’
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:41:45 +0000

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