Mail passed on concerning the NY SAFE Act Repeal Grassroots - TopicsExpress


Mail passed on concerning the NY SAFE Act Repeal Grassroots Effort May 21 SUCCESS REPORT from Al Belardinelli Our Grassroots has really stepped up to the plate and showed we are not just rebels shouting in a field. We need to realize that May 21 was a target date – not just a rally. We worked hard for a month prior to the date – it was a mission of many actions and tasks which I am very happy to report was a huge and total success – thanks to all the wonderful people who “read between the lines” and showed real courage to march on Albany. The 1000 to 1500 was an incredible number of people who showed up to do the work necessary to complete the march on Albany. Those that had expectations of huge numbers to see a show were not fully informed of the mission – I apologize to those who were not fully informed. I assure you no one – not one out of our 100,000 or so people were intentionally left uniformed (some failed to fully review all our updates). NOTE: our efforts are a work in progress – not perfected – there is no book of directions to follow – we are writing a new book – hope we all are beginning to understand. United we MUST stand. The march on Albany really began on April 27in Elmira where we announced Steve Katz bill #5955 was the real FULL repeal and Grassroots would begin real action. We introduced the Demand Petition Post Card which put “teeth” in our loud voice. This action proves our movement is 100s of thousands strong and growing. You see – it aint the numbers in a field – it’s what we are all doing in all corners of the state “behind the scenes” too. Leading up to May 21 we took many actions: With the petition drive put aside: We also found and signed up10 co-sponsors to #5955 (and we now have at least 4 more) / we caused a partial BOYCOTT of the $1000 a plate NYC GOP fund raiser / we began understanding how a BOYCOTT of donations takes away their money and creates power in Grassroots / we diminish status-quo efforts to divide us (never forget: They are the masters of trickery) / we awakened many lawmakers and convinced them we will NOT quit – will NOT back down / We advanced our organizing to Repeal the Safe Act beyond what anyone thought possible. (MORE)…. On May 21 we began acting on the results of ALL our work in earnest. Yes – we finished the work that 30,000 people helped achieve – thanks to all. It began in East Park at 10am. We set up tables showing the hard work and dedication of our Grassroots. Over 400,000 individually signed demand petitions were placed on those tables in 1000 per bag bundles – well over 213 bags. Along side the tables were big full garbage bags of more signed petitions. This showed our strength and real numbers. There has never been such a showing – it was a magnificent sight to see. Believe me – the lawmakers saw it and realized what a statement it is. As our people arrived even more signed cards rolled in. Another 7 full big boxes of containing many 10s of thousands each were brought in from all corners of the state. Beginning at 10:30am our troops began delivering bags of 1000 signed cards to each office of every lawmaker. This action was continuous through the entire event. Each of the 213 lawmakers received one bag of 1000 and many received 2 and 3 bags. In addition Skelos / Silver / and several others received those 7 full boxes of 10s of thousand signed cards. (you see – the crowd was larger than the 1500 recorded). At noon over 500 Grassroots troops joined together and entered the capitol carrying 30 to 40 big garbage bags of signed cards. This was an additional minimum of 100,000 signed cards. We marched through the hallways up the Assembly chambers where we made a demand to be heard and seen on the chamber floor. A delegation of 10 were admitted to the chamber and were announced and were loudly applauded by others in the visitor’s galley. We did deliver 1 addressed demand card to each of them in the chamber. We gave a bag of 213 to Steve Katz right on the floor of the Assembly, which he pledged to deliver. We were then escorted to the Assembly clerk, the finance clerk office and the Senate clerk with garbage bags full of signed demand cards. We demanded that each clerk deliver the cards to all lawmakers and all finance committees. MISSION COMPLETE – TOTAL SUCCESS. It was a historic day. Note; the march on Albany was not just a rally on May 21. We never thought this was to be a show huge numbers of people. We did not seek famous people as a draw. We were amazed at the large number of people who courageously people who showed up to finish the work of all our Grassroots efforts. Ye know – it aint easy to visit the lawmakers in the belly of the beast in the face of possible confrontation. Every one of our Grassroots did their part from beginning to end – better and larger than anyone could expect. Yes- this exceeded all expectations when you see the complexities of the entire effort. I, Al Belardinelli, am very proud of every one of our coalition. I am honored to be a part of this great New York movement. I am inspired. I know through all trials and tribulations we hold the power to achieve great things. From the bottom of my heart – I thank you and do appreciate every one of you. Keep Fighting – Repeal – FULL Repeal of the Safe Act is now MUCH more of a possibility The harder WE work the greater the possibility. Oh – since 10am on May 21 many positive developments have occurred – soon new developments will be confirmed and reveled – stay tuned. What’s Next? We are currently evaluating all options. We will be taking further actions. We will keep YOU informed. Please Stay tuned. We are true action oriented Grassroots citizens connected only by our will and determination to restore our rights. We are a loose knit, Grassroots, Team from all over NYS and beyond that oppose the status-quo and especially status-quo politicians that are removing our Freedom and Liberty. There is no one set organization nor is there one set leader. We are just plain folks and everyday people like you, fed up and determined to be seen and heard. Most of all, we are the ones that know what hard work is and know what it means to protect and defend our families, friends and country. We are members of clubs and groups that range across the spectrum of outdoor and indoor activities. We also consist of the constitutional military and people who keep our oath. We seek to work with any organization that knows the value of working as a “coalition” and is willing to share responsibility and credit. Our goal is to gather “We the People” together to fight the insane way our state and country is being run. It is now self-evident that the people know and the “authorities” don’t – we must lead not follow. Together we CAN and WILL fight “City Hall”. The “Next Step” Is In The Planning Right Now – Stay Connected – We Need Everyone’s Help. We will not quit until our Rights are restored. Keep in Touch – look for details Coming Soon. We are now over 30,000 strong connected people and growing - YOU can help us gain more supporters - make sure all like minded get connected - together Grassroots WILL make a difference ! UPDATES Get Connected to the Email List albel1@aol – sign me up.
Posted on: Fri, 24 May 2013 00:04:03 +0000

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