Mail send to the International Criminal Court: I request the - TopicsExpress


Mail send to the International Criminal Court: I request the intervention of Mr. ICC Prosecutor My name is Fernando Marcelo Carletti. I am from Argentine and I am a lawyer, adress: Alte . Brown 2506 3ro. “A”. Mar del Plata. Province of Buenos Aires. Argentine Republic. I defending the rights of Aborigines who are victims of genocide in Argentine. I made a judgment that came to the Supreme Court of Argentina by the Aboriginal genocide and it was rejected (Cause in Supreme Court of Argentine: 1534/2005 Tomo: 41 Letra: L Tipo: REX) One of the judges, Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni did not sign, he did not give his opinion and then in a newspaper he said everything that I was said in the complaint as his personal opinion. This Minister Zaffaroni then awarded the Stockholm Prize for his knowledge of genocide. Its a shame. Inter American Commission on Human Rights did nothing (Precautionary Measure 159-07 and Petition 740-06). All the Aborigines of the video died despite claims and genocide is still on. youtube/watch?v=fIFdnHVC9Xk While in Argentina the many children are starving. And like me who has studied and has neither the bare minimum to live in dignity. And Im ruthlessly persecuted and marginalized. Simultaneous a young man who became a billionaire from one day to the other told in TV how he was used by the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to send millons and millons of money to the tax havens, the money is from the scams that these criminals steal in millions with impunity. The young man works for who was driver of the Argentine President Nestor Kirchner and the driver became a billionaire. They took the money of Argentina for kilos and preferably in euros because they saying that the dollar was heavier. youtube/watch?v=Ko3NO7q3e0w The current genocide of Aboriginal people in Argentina is allowed and tolerated by the vast corruption in the administration of justice in Argentina from which I am victim too, and I have wrote a book, a novel, based on judicial corruption and unpunished crimes made as messages mobsters, including two 16 year old girls. STOCKHOLM PRIZE TO GENOCIDAL MAN In 2009 Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni won the Stockholm Prize for his knowledge of genocide and his work The crime of mass. It is true that Dr. Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni has much knowledge about genocide because no better than a genocidal can know about Genocide. In 2005, as a lawyer and representing various aboriginal I made a complaint in the Federal Court of Mar del Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. In the complaint we want the Justice seeking and determined the Truth of Genocide against the Native Peoples of Argentina. Also, In the file we said that Genocide continued today so we want that Justice take appropriate action to finish that crime. The trial was rejected by the Federal Court of Mar del Plata, consequently we appealed to the Supreme Court of Argentina. One of the Judges in the Supreme Court of Argentina is Dr. Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni. The Extraordinary Appeal was rejected with procedural pretexts by some of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Judge Carmen Argibay rejected it invoking Article 280 of the Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina who authorizing judges to reject resources with single invocation of that article, that article implies lack of sufficient federal reasons or issues are insubstantial or lacking in significance. Notwithstanding the lack of humanity and consideration of those judges, the most curious was the attitude of the Minister of the Supreme Court Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni. Despite emerging from the computer records of the Supreme Court that the case passed through the hands of Judge Zaffaroni and he has the legal and human obligation to take a decision, he did not. Judge Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni expressed no opinion and he did not sign the order in which the Supreme Court rejected the extraordinary appeal. And the worst thing, after that, Judge Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni in an interview with a reporter of Newspaper “Pagina 12” in his office as Minister of the Supreme Court expresses all the arguments that were in the complaint as his own arguments. He expressly that indigenous peoples suffered Genocide and said that Genocide continues letting them die by starving. If it was his opinion, he had to note on the record. And not just said it in a newspaper to look good publicly while he as public official allows the continuation of genocide by the Argentine corrupt politicians. The Stockholm Prize for knowledge of Genocide was awarded by an accomplice of genocide and those who actually fought against injustice outside a Power place we are persecuted , and marginalized. Not only now Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni is a Genocidal. In 1976, after giving the coup d´état in Argentina the General Jorge Rafael Videla appointed Zaffaroni as a Judge Criminal Case in Federal Capital of Argentina. And Zaffaroni took Oath in order the objectives of the military leaders and the Statute of the National Reorganization Process who left a balance of 30,000 missing people and a lot of people tortured by the most atrocious means. At that time the relatives of people kidnapped by the security forces made “Habeas Corpus Resource” with the purpose of knowing whereabouts their relatives and try to recover them. Dr. Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni he also received those resources and thus rejected the “Habeas Corpus” filed by the mother of Alicia Lisso, a 23 -year-old student of the city of “La Plata” who was kidnapped the morning of 27 October 1976 by a group of individuals who claiming to be of a security force. The judge Zaffaroni rejected this “Habeas Corpus” and Alicia Lissos mortal remains were found in 2011 and returned to their families . And in other “Habeas Corpus” Zaffaroni expressed the following words: ... and considering that the country living a experiencing of a period of upheaval motivated by the cowardly attack of which is victim, logically leads to an overload condition in the work of the security forces that are the main target of this aggression ... He defended in the Dictatorship the actions of the security forces but now he said that he contain the punitive power. Security forces at that time made people disappear, which was known by the population at that time. I was a kid at that time and I knew it, so Zaffaroni could not ignore that like a Judge. When democracy arrives in Argentina Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni changed his doctrinal of his Treaty of 1980 in which argued that the State had a duty to punish crime because this obligation is a reason for the state. With the advent of Democracy he says that the Punitive Power is a disease that attacks only the most vulnerable and poor people and said that the criminal law is only to containment the Punitive Power depending on the vulnerability of people captured by the Punitive Power of the State. He has established the Power as impunity. His doctrine is followed by the judiciary and it is the impunity of the powerful people and that is the reason why the Democratic Government appointed Zaffaroni like a Judge of the Supreme Court of Argentina. Criminal law only deals with the most vulnerable because the exercise of punitive power is exercised, according Zaffaroni, by the Police and Justice only has to contain or put limits to the Punitive power. The Justice in Argentina does not exercise the punitive power against power people in order to punish corrupt politicians. In Argentina the politicians have a scandalous corruption, they not counted the Dollars and Euros to stole and take out of the country, they weighed it. All this, while the child starving, victims of genocide, genocide recognized by Zaffaroni in a newspaper. It is a really hypocrisy gave the Stockholm Prize to Judge Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni. He is a Genocidal, that conduct is an endorsement to this kind of individuals and thus facilitating the genocide with impunity in Argentina. People should not get awarded by occupying a place of power in a country, on the contrary, they should reward people who are marginalized . While given him dollars with that award to this subject, his victims, mainly children and women are starving. The crime of genocide is imprescriptible and sooner or later all the people will know who is who, including all the hypocrites who have supported these genocidal by acknowledgments, false merits and cash prizes. Genocide recognition made in the Newspaper Pagina 12 by the Judge Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni after my complaint:…/socie…/3-114626-2008-11-07.html I request the prompt intervention of the Lord Prosecutor in order to the purpose of punish these criminals as the President of the Nation Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the Chief of Staff of the Republic Argentina Jorge Capitanich who was the Governor of the Province of Chaco where genocide occurs at that time of the complaint and the Court Judge Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni and the others Ministers of the Supreme Court of Argentine. Regards. Fernando Marcelo Carletti Advocate . Lawyer Specialist for the Judicial Bench Exercise Alte . Brown 2506 3ro. “A”. Mar del Plata.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:40:02 +0000

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