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Main - CrossFit Bootcamp View Public Whiteboard: Sprinters Warmup (No Measure) Complete 25m of the following movements. Jog back to starting line to begin next movement. -Butt Kicks -High Knees -Lateral Lunges -High Kicks with a strait leg (bend leg as needed depending on hamstring mobility) -Skips for height (opposite arm/opposite leg) Intro EMOM for 10 minutes: 30 sec plank 5 squat jumps Intro 100m Sprints X 5 slowly increase intensity until last set is completed at 100% Close Grip Bench Press (3 sets of 10) -Using a close grip (around shoulder width apart) lift the bar from the rack and hold it strait over you with arms locked out. -bring bar down slowly keeping elbows close to torso at all times. -Briefly pause at your chest then activating your tricep muscles bring the bar back to the starting position. **TIP It should take twice as long to come down then to come up. Strength Complete 20 Weighted Lunges in between bench press sets. You may use a KB at each side or a plate/barbell overhead Metcon (Time) Buy in 200 Single Skip Jump Ropes then 4 Rounds 50m KB Farmer Carry 10 Burpees Cool Down Mobility- Use a racked barbell to mobilize your forearm and tricep -Utilize the foam roller for hamstrings and IT band. At least 10 passes each leg.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 07:01:08 +0000

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