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Main - CrossFit View Public Whiteboard: Dynamic # 1 (No Measure) Run 400 Wrist Circles x 10 Elbow Circles x 10 Arm Circles X 10 Over and Backs & Bear Hugs x 10 Standing Trunk Rotations x 10 Leg Swings Forward Back & Sides X 10 Spiderman Lung X 10 Russian Baby Maker x 30 sec CLEAN WARM UP (No Measure) Mid-Hang Clean Pull x 5 Rack Delivery x 5 Muscle Clean x 5 Scarecrow Clean x 5 Tall Clean x 5 Mid-Hang Clean x 5 Power Clean + Front Squat + Power Jerk (2 x 1 x 1) 20 min to work to a heavy complex of 2 power cleans. After the second power clean continue into a front squat then one power jerk. If you finish early get some work at 75 - 85 % of your heavy complex Tall Clean (1 x 2) The tall clean is simply the third pull of the clean. It is begun with the lifter standing tall with no bend in the knees. From this tall position, the lifter begins transitioning the feet from the pulling to receiving positions while pulling under the bar aggressively to receive it in the front squat position. 10 Min to work to a heavy double Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 12 Min AMRAP 12 kb clean and press 53/35. 6 per arm 24 russian kb swing 6 pull ups every kb clean and press starts from a resting position on the floor.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 06:10:33 +0000

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