Main - CrossFit Warm-up Dynamic Warm Up Prep: - TopicsExpress


Main - CrossFit Warm-up Dynamic Warm Up Prep: 3 Sets not For Time 3 Wall Climbs 12 Walking Farmers Carry Lunges w/KBell 20 Hollow Rocks WOD #1 Metcon (AMRAP - Reps) With a Partner: 2 Rounds (each partner will row and complete max dips twice) Partner A: Row 500 M Partner B: Max Ring Dips, Stationary Bar Dip, Parl. Dips WOD #2 Metcon (Time) With A Partner 6 Rounds (Alternate until you complete 6 Rounds of Wall Balls) Partner A: 30 Seconds of Wall Balls 24/20, 20/14, 14/10 Partner B: Rest 30 Seconds Cool Down Pick 3 Mobility Exercises from the K-Star posters and Complete
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 04:47:31 +0000

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