Main Causes Behind Wrong Horoscopes and - TopicsExpress


Main Causes Behind Wrong Horoscopes and Predictions 1- According to all Siddhantic and Puranic texts, Suryasiddhanta should be used to compute the position of the planets and in determining Tithis etc. Sage Vyasa has clearly said (Vishnudarmottara Puraana; see Sanskrit verse below) that in perceivable events like eclipse etc,where an actual observation is needed, the position of the planets should be further corrected using Drika-Karma corrections so that they can be used in determining the actual event, but these Drik-corrections should never be made use of in computation of Tithis etc. विष्णुधर्मोत्तरपुराण : यन्त्रवेधादिनाज्ञात यद्बीजं गणकैस्ततः। ग्रहणादि परीक्षेत न तिथ्यादि कदाचन।। Nirnaya Sindhu (see Sanskrit verse below)) also states that for invisible results used for knowing Fortune (Adrishta), Suryasiddhanta should be made use of. The detailed mathematics of Suryasiddhanta is also given in the Narada Purana. In all other Puranas too, Suryasiddhanta has been made use of for the purpose of computation and its essense has been presented. But since a few previous centuries, materialists have begun to dominate the scene and they consider the physical planets to be the astrological planets. But by doing so, a discrepancy of several degrees is introduced in the actual position of the astrological planets, and this error gets further amplified in the Shodashavargas, leading to completely incorrect predictions. निर्णय-सिन्धु : अदृष्ट-फल-सिध्यर्थ यथार्कगणितं कुरु। गणितं यदि दृष्टार्थ तद्दृष्ट्युद्भव तस्सदा।। 2- Dashas like Vimshottari etc which are based on the position of the Moon are now being computed crudely by using Bhayaata (degrees already traversed by Moon) and Bhabhoga(degrees left to be traversed by Moon) using daily motion of the Moon. Because of this popular trend, an error of several months or even several years is introduced in the computation of events. Vimshottari is computed by making use of the position of the Moon in the sky, hence Vimshottari should be computed using the exact degrees of the Moon at the desired time. 3- Dashas like Vimshottari etc are computed using the Moon, hence in their computation a Lunar year comprising of 360 Tithis should employed. The Adhika-masa (intercalary month) is considered outside the domain of Lunar year, which is why it is named Intercalary Month (between two calendar years, i.e. not a part of religious calendrical year) or Mala-Masa (impure month). The year of Vimshottari consists of 360 Lunar days, but Late Nirmal Chandra Lahari Ji introduced the concept of 360 Solar days because of the habit of the Christian calender. This is a wrong decision. There are 9 kinds of years, but there is none amongst them which is made of 360 solar days. The followers of Mr Lahiri have applied the Christian year consisting of 365.2422 days in the Vimshottari dasha computation because of which an error of 1 year is introduced in every 33 years. This is because 360 lunar days consist of 354.37 solar days. The many kinds of errors which have been mentioned above accumulate and introduce an error of several years because of which the Antardashas (sub-periods) are seldom correct. Whereas the basic principle of Vimshottari is that all planets, right from the Mahadasha upto the Prana Dasha, are involved in influencing and give rise to an event. Using merely Mahadashas and Antardashas, a crude flow of ones life can be estimated, but the exact events and their exact timings cannot be pin-pointed. 4- Moon-based dashaas like Vimshottari are ordered to be made from Moon, hence Vimshottari for any particular divisional (varga) should be made from Moons longitudes in that divisional. Hence, 16 divisionals should have 16 Vimshottari tabl;es, 16 Ashtottari tables, 16 Yogini Tables, 16 Kaalachakra tables, etc. 5- In the chapter of Dasha Phala in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS), making chart at the time of commencement of the Dasha has been instructed twice. But almost all astrologers base their dashaa-predictions on the birth chart itself. The period of any planet is a part of the entire lifetime of an individual, and the birth chart influences ones entire life, hence the birth chart can be used to crudely predict the results for a particular dasha. But if the Dasha-aarambha chart contradicts the birth chart then it is usually the Dasha-aarambha chart which overrules the predictions based on the birth chart, provided the planet of that period is not very weak with respect to that very planet in the birth chart. The tradition of making Dasha onset chart (DPC or Dasha Pravesha Chakra) has died out, because 1 second of error in birth-time produces one sign of error in D1 of DPC, and this error is amplified further in other divisionals of DPC. Correct D-60 (shashtyamsha) chart of DPC can be made only if birth time is accurate upto at least one hundredth of a second. Two techniques were used used to achieve this accuracy : one technique was based on characteristics of birth or sootikaa room on which one full chapter has been devoted in BPHS, and the second technique was based on garbhaadhaana-lagna (horoscope at the time of conception) on which one full chapter is devoted in Jaimini Sutra. Both these techniques are useless now, because neither detailed records of birth-room are preserved, nor any Hindu now performs garbhaadhaana-samskaara. Hence, birth-time rectification upto one hundredth of a second should be attempted with the help of computer by means of analysis of chief events of life, but it may involve any days or weeks without any guarranttee of success. Hence this technique should be used with brahmacharya &c as prescribed in BPHS. Correct birth-time may be obtained with divine grace. BPHS states at the start of second part that this method is not for common mortals of Kaliyuga. 6- Many Shodashavargas are not computed using the recommendations of sage Parashara. For example, in the computation of D-24, there is a clear instruction that the order is reversed in even signs. But while all commentators do reverse the order of the Deities in D-24 , they dont reverse the order of the signs. The reason for this is that these commentators have never made use of these finer divisions in actual practice. Same types of astrologers make a D-3 chart with 12 houses and a D-2 chart with 2 houses and forget to take note of the fact that the rules for construction of D-2 and D-3 are similar. In the chapter of Shodashavargas it is written clearly that all divisional charts have 12 houses, while the number of deities in a Shodashavarga is equal to the number of the divisional chart. For example, in the Hora chart (D-2), there are two deities :- Sun and Moon. In the D-3 chart, there are 3 deities and in the D-60 chart there are 60 deities. Considering the deities to be identical to the number of houses is wrong. The reason for the introduction of this erroroneous notion is that the Vedas and Vedangas are studied in the Brahmacharya-ashram and sage Parashara has said that to predict correctly one should be in full control of his sense organs (essential condition for Brahmacharya). Theose who do not observe Brahmacharya misinterpret the Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora texts wilfully and make faulty predictions and by doing so they destroy the reputation of Jyotisha. 7- Basic rules to predict on the basis of Sixteen Divisionals: In the Shodashavargas, four kinds of secondary-divisions are famous - Shadvarga, Saptavarga, Dashavarga and Shodashavarga. The Divisionals (vargas) and their vimshopaka strengths are modified according to their use/purpose. For example, for all matters related to marriage, Shad-vargas (6 vargas) are used. For matters related to progeny, Sapta-vargas (7 vargas) are used. For matters related to career and important achievements in life, Dashavargas (10 vargas) are used. For all matters Shodashavargas (16 vargas) are used. This was always used in practice traditionally, but contemporary astrologers dont make use of this rule. If one has to judge someones wealth, lands, vehicles, diseases, learning or other matters then the results of divisionals have to be combined and their vimshopaka strengths have to be assigned or modified accordingly. The rules for these are not mentioned in any text. For example, if one has to judge matters related to wealth in detail in someones life, then Bhavachalita (D-1), Hora (D-2), Navamsha (D-9) and Dashamamsha (D-10) must be necessarily analyzed. But the questions arises as to whether D-4, D-40, D-45 and D-60 should be studied or not. The answer to this question is that these divisions should be used only in special circumstances and not always. For example, D-40 should be used to study the wealth obtained from the maternal side. D-45 should be used to study the wealth obtained from the paternal side. There are two ways to combine the results obtained from different vargas : (1) Vimshopaka strengths of those vargas and (2) The strength of the planet whose dasha is running (exaltation state, Shadbala i.e. six-fold strength etc). 8- Even those methods are not used correctly of by most astrologers which are mentioned by sage Parasara for the less intelligent and sinful people belonging to Kaliyuga. Those means are (1)Asktakavarga and (2) Sudarshanchakra on the basis of Varsha-pravesha (annual charts), Masa-pravesha (monthhly charts), Pratyantara-pravesha (dasha entry) etc . Amongst these, the results from Ashtakavarga are not that strong, but Sudarshanchakra is an important tool for prediction. If it is used properly then one can construct a Bhrigu Samhita, which is unavailable to anyone in the world, using which timing ofevents to the extent of hours, minutes can be feasible. If used with Vimshottari, Sudarshana Chakra etc then Ashtakavarga can also prove to be very useful. 9- Even after taking care of all the possible errors listed above, only that person can make a correct prediction, according to the criteria laid down by sage Parashara, who is learned in astrological classics by sages, Sanskrit grammar etc and has his sense organss in full control (i.e., practises Brahmacharya), and abides by the guidelines of Manusmriti and sage Vyasa does not ask for money from the client (Yajmana) and remains satisfied with the Dakshinaa without asking for it (Dakshinaa is obligatory donation). Apart from the major reasons listed above, there are some secondary reasons too which automatically and gradually get resolved once these major hurdles are overcome. The errors which are made in Medini Jyotisha are not being listed here. They will be listed in the relevant articles on this very website itself. (Translated into English by Mr Vineet Kumar) Practical Methods in Vedic Astrology :- A good doctor needs years of study and practice to become a good doctor. Astrology is a more difficult discipline. Unfortunately, majority of astrologers depend on shortcuts, which is destroying this great science. There are three approaches to Vedic Astrology : (1) Standard Parashari Method : it is based on DAC (Dashaa Arambha Chakra) including the rest of tools and techniques in First Part of BPHS. But DAC needs very accurate birth time which is possible only in a handful of cases, and with much difficulty. (2) Shortcut Parashari Method, which must be mastered before using DAC method. This shortcut method is described in Second Part of BPHS. It is primarily based on SC (Sudarshana Chakra) with help from birth-time charts and Vimshottari and VPC (Parsha Pravesha Chakra), with help from AV (Ashtaka Varga) if doubt arises. But now-a-days even this shortcut is not used by astrologers who want to spend less time on a chart. (3) Some esoteric methods which are based on ancient manuscripts never fully described and published. These methods cannot be used by the uninitiated and by those who do not have access to those manuscripts. The custodians of these manuscripts keep their manuscripts secret for financial reasons, which is unfortunate. There are many frauds in this field too. This field includes Nadi Astrology, Bhrigu Samhita, Ravana Samhita, etc. But the methodology of these techniques have been lost. For Kaliyuga (present epoch), BPHS is the STANDARD.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 10:43:21 +0000

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