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The Jesuits, in creating their socialist-communist, pro-Black, anti-White, Civil Rights/Second Reconstruction movement have created institutionalized national favoritism for the Blacks in every social and economic sphere. And why? The Military Company of Jesus is planning to incite a national Black-on-White Race War, the interstate Black riots of 1968 and Black Los Angeles riots 1992 being but trial runs. There is to be a national American “Mau Mau” uprising killing hundreds of thousands of inner-city, poor Whites—the expendables. That bloody Black-on-White race war, so desired by the Order since the Jesuit General’s First Reconstruction (1865-1877), is to be secretly led by Black Freemasons, specifically those within the Masonic Black Nation of Islam, the Masonic New Black Panthers and the Masonic sacred cows of the pope’s CFR-controlled press, men like Black Jesse Jackson (also a CFR member and co-conspirator in the King assassination of 1968) and pro-Black Mulatto Al Sharpton. Seated: Pat Howell SJ, Greg Galluzzo SJ, Jim Christenson, Steve Sundborg SJ, 2007 With this overall plot in view, the Jesuit Order had to institute a series of movements and political policies that would encourage pro-Black/anti-White social upheaval through government-financed programs such as Welfare, Social Security Insurance, Head Start, and Affirmative Action. The tens of trillions of dollars (i.e., Federal Reserve Notes) derived from these programs would enable American Blacks to reproduce at an astounding rate, they now being the predominant population within every major American city save for a few such as Denver. With this huge, Majority Savage Black population (eighty percent of the Black American population) having no legitimate fathers (as opposed to the Minority Civil Blacks), as well as one in three Black males being either in prison, on parole or probation, the stage is now set for the coveted Black-on-White Race War. Blacks have been propagandized to anger, groomed by “Black-Rap music” promoted for the last twenty-five years to “Hate the White Man” and call for “Race War”—as did Black hateful racist “Sister Souljah!” Ironically, this programming has been made possible by recording companies owned by WHITE MEN connected with the Black Pope’s Roman Catholic Mafia—White men within secret societies serving the Roman pope’s International White Power Structure. Jewish Socialist-Communist Saul Alinsky Obama Mentor, Chicago, 1960s The Gamaliel Foundation (deliberately given a Jewish name that Jews may be blamed for hatefully racist/anti-White sin of the institution), was manned not only by Jesuits but also notorious Jews such as socialist-communist Saul Alinsky. Indeed, the “foundation” was a perfect work of the Jesuits in creating the Black Pope’s predetermined conditions for Black-on-White Race War in America and specifically in half-Black/half-White Roman Catholic Chicago. When that mass-murder begins, the majority White Roman Catholics and minority White Protestants and Baptists will unite for their mutual defense under the New York Archbishop’s coming White Fascist Military Dictator. The White Protestant/Presbyterian U.S. Constitution will be suspended and martial law openly declared and enforced with troops in the streets. The Majority Savage Blacks having fulfilled their intended purpose for which they were created (born and bread on the pope’s Federal Reserve Notes), the Order will then exterminate them via its FEMA death camps now numbering over eight hundred! For the nation is one command away (or one bullet away) from complete social upheaval in the twenty-six major cities housing one half of the country’s population, seventy million of them being Majority Savage Blacks “hating whitey.” Frank Marshall Davis, Barry Davis Obama’s Communist Father, Chicago, 1960s Every policy and executive order enacted by Jesuit-tutored, imposter president, Barry Davis Obama, has served the ends described above. But the real president of the pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Corporate-Fascist American Empire (1868-Present) is White Roman Catholic Vice President Joe Biden, the “Massa” of “Toby,” attending the signing of every wicked act “the pope’s Islamic mulatto” has ushered into law. Biden knows where all the bodies are buried, from the details of the Kennedy Assassination to the real masters of the 911 demolition. Biden has backed the creation of the pope’s Department of “Romeland” Security created by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, John C. Gannon, a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and 23-year veteran of the Black Pope’s Central Intelligence Agency (“Catholics in Action”). Biden has backed the Order’s Patriot Act written from Jesuit Georgetown University and has also backed the damnable National Defense Authorization Act (just passed on New Year’s Eve!) authorizing indefinite military detention of American citizens deemed a threat to “national security”—that sacred cow of the absolutist Jesuit Order! Barry Davis Obama and Jesuit Joe Biden, Chicago, 2008 Indeed, Jesuit Biden, holding honorary degrees from Jesuit St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and Jesuit University of Scranton, is the real nemesis of the targeted White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant and Baptist American people, he evading the rightful attention of the pope’s CFR-controlled Press (Fox News, MSNBC, etc.), as the real “man behind the throne, greater than the throne itself.” Third Row: Jesuits Dennis Codd, Greg Galluzzo, Terry McLaughlin, Don Foran, 1964 Jesuit Greg Galluzzo has been a most obedient soldier in bringing this damnable conspiracy to pass. By using the brainwashed, hatefully racist Majority Savage Blacks to daily assault, rob, rape and murder Whites of the nation for over fifty years, the Military Company of Jesus is about to deal its final blow to all Americans with their Black-on-White Race War subsequently to morph into White Fascist Martial Law. All American Jews in general will be blamed for the upheaval and the North American Jewish Holocaust will begin AMDG—”for the greater glory of God.” May the risen Lord Jesus Christ reward Jesuit Greg Galluzzo according to his works. Other or Related Posts of Interest: Muslim Barry Davis Obama: Unqualified to be President; Proven Kenyan Birth Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Barry Davis Obama—the Muslim Alleged Conspiracy to Assassinate President “Barry Davis” Obama Communist Barry Davis Obama: “Who’s Your Daddy?” SMOM King Juan Carlos: Temporal Adviser to Presidents Bush and Davis/Obama Jesuit Coadjutor American VP Joe Biden in Moscow with Jesuit Priest Janez Saver Obama/Biden’s Secretary of Interior, Roman Catholic Jesuit Coadjutor Ken Salazar Social media Share this article Print this article ✉ Send e-mail By Eric Jon Phelps January 25, 2012 15:34 UPDATED NO COMMENTS No Comments Yet! Let me tell You a sad story ! There are no comments yet, but You can be first one to comment this article. 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