Main Readings: I Kings 19: 19-20, 2 Kings 2:1-14, 2 Peter - TopicsExpress


Main Readings: I Kings 19: 19-20, 2 Kings 2:1-14, 2 Peter 1:5-11 The first and the last thing Elisha received from Elijah was his mantle or robe. It the first instance he was called to diligent and sacrificial study towards leadership, and the second was a release to lead. Although Elijah had initially indicated that the mantle was Elisha’s for the taking, Elisha learnt eventually that he could not have it without diligence . Jesus commands diligent service to His disciples (see Matt. 11:28) and this is echoed by Peter (see 2 Pe 1:10) and Paul (see 2Tim 2:15). Because of His diligence, Elisha was able to secure the guarantee that He was going to be twice as successful as his predecessor. The following discourse examines how critical diligence is for success in Christian ministry. DILIGENT RESPONSE: When, Elijah threw his mantle on Elisha, he was virtually telling him, “Now you can go out dressed as me, and do things in my name; those who receive me, will now receive you and those who persecute me will do you same favour”. Elisha’s determination, however was, “As the Lord lives and your soul lives”, I am not stepping past you yet, until I have fully learnt what it takes to be you and more! Elisha then followed, served and understudied Elijah faithfully for about 6 years. When calling sinners to repentance and rest in Him, He said, “come…take my yoke …and learn, … then you will find rest. a. Come: Coming to Jesus is and admission that you needs rest from the wicked labour under the burden of sin. Elisha used to work for himself. He had to leave this, and move to be with Elijah. b. Take: Taking the yoke of Jesus is willingly sharing in His burden of saving the world immediately we come to Him. Elisha immediately shared Elijah’s burden by “pouring water on his hands”. A yoke is equipment that can be placed on two or more oxen to use their combined strength for ploughing. It is a lifelong commitment of the disciple. c. Learn: Learning how to carry the power of the prophetic ministry was necessary for Elisha. Elisha might have heard of the ups and downs of Elijah’s ministry and needed to learn how he had survived and prevailed with both God and men. Jesus said that the disciple must learn of Him in order to be successful in ministry, especially His gentleness and sincere humility. Clearly the gifts of God are irrevocably given instantly, but the character to make them fruitful must be patiently learnt or cultivated with the help of the Holy Spirit (see Luke 8:15, Gal. 5:22-23) DILIGENT FOLLOWING Jesus makes a point that the worthy disciple takes up his (the disciple’s) cross daily and follows Him. This makes it clear that a true disciple of Jesus has a clear understanding that he has a daily responsibility to the Lord, and he seeks it and discharges it. Elisha displays this in following Elijah from day 1 to day last: a. From onset, Elisha made it a point to subject even dealing with his parents to the permission of Elijah, indicating a total surrender to his new and higher calling. In similar fashion the disciple of Jesus must always endeavour to remain within the guidance of the Church, ever seeking to follow the steps of Christ within. b. He assumed a mindset of seeing his ministry through to the very end, no matter what. In what appears to be his resisting Elijah’s attempt to stop him from serving to the end, Elisha demonstrated that his duty to Elijah was to God. c. The completeness of Elisha’s obedience resulted in God hearing him on even the difficult issue of doubling the anointing (see John 15:16). DILIGENT SERVICE: In apparently stopping Elisha from following him in the last days of His ministry, Elijah, the agent of Elisha’s calling, did not always appear to be on the same page with his follower, but Elisha insisted on serving God by serving Elijah. He did not focus on Elijah as a person per se, but rather on the ministry God delivered through Elijah. a. The agent of Jesus on earth is the Church, the means of calling to faith and service in Christ. This focus must be kept diligently. Though the Church would not always be in agreement, yet, it still represents the Lord, and it must be maintained, even against its best efforts at sometimes appearing to prevent disciples from doing so. (see 1 Cor. 11:29) b. The request for greater harvest capacity is always motivated by an existent faithful service. In other words, it was in being faithful in the “little” he was entrusted with that his request for greater clout was justified (see Lk 19:17). c. The question for a possible increase in capacity had come through Elijah, the agent. This is an indication that God still operates through His church, and if we remain faithful within, doors to greater ministry will yet open. DILIGENT REQUEST At Elijah’s imminent departure, he parted the Jordan with his robe, then asked Elisha to make a request. Elisha requested double portion of Elijah’s anointing. Elijah said the condition for was just diligence in his present capacity. When Elijah was taken up, Elisha was left with at least His robe! He picked it, and began his ministry where Elijah had ended his - parting the Jordan with the prophet’s robe! a. Elisha recognised that he could raise the size of the harvest, by asking for greater ability. This is consistent with what Jesus promised faithful disciples (Joh 14:12), and the prayer of the early apostles (Ac 4:29). Otherwise, the disciple may just be pleased with becoming a photocopy of one or the other of those gone before! b. Elisha did not ask amiss, as in asking for something for his own pleasure (See Ja 1:4). Rather knowing that the ministry of the prophet was essentially for the safety of the whole of Israel, he asked that it be enhanced. c. He ensured that his request was properly guided by channelling it through Elijah who could discuss it and shape it to be acceptable to God. After all, His ministry had legitimacy as a continuation of Elijah’s, so why sidestep him, when He was still around. This kind of mediation work is done for us by the Christ through the Holy Spirit, and we will benefit greatly if we pay attention to His guidance during prayer. He is the one who guides us in what God requires of us in every petition. CONCLUSION Elisha was guaranteed greater success at the commencement of his ministry because of his diligence. He responded to his call with understanding, submitted to learn, committed to serve and measured his prayers according to the demands of his calling. Therefore, his focus never shifted, his character developed, he earned a greater service, and obtained answer to a prayer that was even difficult for his predecessor to grant.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:29:30 +0000

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