Maine voter are once again forced to vote within the parameters of - TopicsExpress


Maine voter are once again forced to vote within the parameters of what can only be called “ping-pong politics.” We have a three-way race for the corner office of the Maine State House… The Governor’s Office. There are more Mainers registered and voting as Independents than there are both democrats and republicans combined. We live in a society that holds competition high… we sing its praises in both the marketplace and sports, acknowledging that competition bring out the best in both fields. However, in politics, we are led to believe that competition is better left to a mere two-party system. We find ourselves fearful of voting for the candidate we like and instead voting for the “better of two evils.” I’m not suggesting that any of the candidates are “evil.” I am suggesting that a system that forces citizens of this great republic to cast their ballots in fear rather than confidence is terribly flawed. This is why we so desperately need instant runoff balloting... so that we can vote our conscience without fear of compromising our souls. Both parties have continuously worked against this option for fear that it will lead to the demise of the two-party system. It is better for the party-apparatus to be paralyzed with fear than for the citizens to be so. We will never have “Instant Runoff Balloting” until we are first brave enough to vote outside of the two-party monopoly. We’re already paying too dearly for the damage done by this system to our political and economic systems.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 23:06:24 +0000

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