Maintaining Dignified and Assertive Posture Pakistan is passing - TopicsExpress


Maintaining Dignified and Assertive Posture Pakistan is passing through the most critical and testing times of its history. External forces are operating without restraint to damage the core fiber of national edifice while internal political instability, poor governance, incompetent leadership, menace of terrorism and scourge of corruption are encouraging the enemies of Pakistan to harm its interests. Intelligence agencies belonging to foreign hostile forces especially India are having a leisure time in working against the national interests of Pakistan while their propaganda machines and media openly use malicious expressions to call Pakistan a country allegedly sponsoring terrorism. They also feel no hesitation when they covertly propagate against vital institutions of Pakistan including Pak Army, Intelligence Agencies and other Law Enforcing Agencies (LEAs). Recent accusations made by Indian Union Minister Shashi Throor in his video address to an Indo-Pak Young Entrepreneurs Bilateral who were discussing ways and means for promoting peace, trade and economic relations between India and Pakistan, incriminating Govt of Pakistan and Pak Army for firing across the LoC and transporting terrorism to India, is a case in point. On the contrary Pakistani leadership, media, analysts and intellectuals appear to have gone over apologetic and defensive in their approach instead of maintaining a dignified and assertive posture to respond to such allegations. Consequently hostile propaganda is finding its way into our hearts and minds and twisted hostile message are getting internalized into own mental perspective. This is extremely frustrating and demoralizing as Pakistan is not sponsoring terrorism and Indian allegations are totally fake and unfounded. Unfortunately there is an upsurge in hostile divisive communications directed against Pakistani audience. The aim is to create a sense of mistrust between leaders and the led while encouraging speculative conflicts between different segments of society. Media must aggressively counter skewed propaganda spread by hostile elements and project the following aspects with sound logic and assertive coverage: - • Terrorism in Pakistan is being nurtured by external forces and their intelligence agencies are deeply involved in promoting terrorism inside Pakistan. So far Pakistan has been the main victim of terrorism and no other country in South Asia has suffered causalities, damage and bloodshed as has been borne by Pakistan. • Unfortunately Pakistan appears to have gone apologetic and defensive in its approach to deal with the foreign allegations. Our leaders, media analysts, intellectual and opinion builders do not react with self-assurance and poise while others level serious allegations against Pakistan. It seems as if Pakistanis have ceded to such accusations. They need to review their outlook with a view to offer befitting response to external insinuations. • Unfortunately hostile divisive argumentations and urging have been intrusively effective to create fissures in our social order, fundamental composition, perceptions and proclivity of thought process. Most of our intellectuals, writers and analysts suggest that we need to look inward or we need to set our house in order. Such a psyche directs us to doubt own assets and ignore wrongs done by others. Pakistani leadership, media and intellectuals must shed away irrational fears and learn to defend interests and prestige of Pakistan with courage and audacity. - Hostile allegations that Pakistan is epicenter of terrorism must be countered by all Pakistanis inland and abroad. Pakistan is a peace loving country and it has been misjudged by foreign elements who erroneously labeled Pakistan “a terrorism sponsoring state”. Defending accusations against Pakistan is the duty of every Pakistani irrespective of its location, status, occupation and social or political affiliation. We are one when it comes to the image of Pakistan and we have the guts to defend our country through all available means. Pakistan is not a state sponsoring terrorism while others (external elements) are encouraging, financing and fostering terrorism in Pakistan. We denounce terrorism in all its forms (non-state actors or state sponsored). We not only openly reject terrorist activities but also condemn foreign illegitimate interference / involvement in Pakistan. Indian politicians play clever games by making powerful statements in the media that Pakistan was transporting terrorism into India and that Pakistan Army was involved in cross border firing across LoC. Infact it is their effort to divert the world attention from the fact that India was sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan, through all (direct / indirect) means. Following aspects merit considerations: - 23 TTP militant commanders arrested by Pak Army during Operation Rah-e-Raast in Swat, confessed before a Joint Investigation team that secret departments of India were involved through RAW and Afghan NDS in supporting militants in Pakistan to conduct target killings, bomb blasts, suicide attacks, assaults on civil and military installations and forced abductions including ethnic and sectarian violence. Former Indian Army Chief General (Retired) VK Singh openly confessed that special intelligence unit like Technical Services Division” were raised by India to operate inside Pakistan including Balochistan and Azad Kashmir to conduct terrorism and bribe the politicians in IOK to maintain peace. The capture of a senior TTP leader Latifullah Mehsud by US Special Forces from Afghan custody carried some startling information having implications for Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. Latifullah Mehsud confessed that Afghanistan and India were involved in promoting terrorist activities inside Pakistan. Domestic media must vigorously project that Indian RAW and Afghan NDS were involved in a proxy war in Pakistan and were instrumental in sustaining TTP brutal campaign inside Pakistan. Latifullah Mehsud also revealed that attack on General Sanaullah Khan Niazi in Upper Dir was the work of Kabul and New Delhi. He also confessed that terrorist attacks at Peshawar Church were also planned by Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies. In this respect US led NATO ISAF commanders have confirmed that safe heavens across Durand Line existed where some Pakistanis are trained and financed to launch subversive activities in Pakistani soil. Maulana Fazalullah who personally briefed the killers of Malala Yousafzai is a declared terrorist in Pakistan, but he enjoys special privileges in Kabul and is also financially supported by Indian RAW. Hence, rich evidence is available that external forces especially India are nurturing terrorism inside Pakistan. Own media and leadership must pick up courage and show strength of character to uncover the real face of actual terrorists (India, Afghan and others) and defend the cause of Pakistan by assertively countering allegations against it.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 09:46:58 +0000

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