Maintaining Your Independence 1 Give her space. Just because - TopicsExpress


Maintaining Your Independence 1 Give her space. Just because your girlfriend is your significant other, it doesnt mean she is yours, implying some kind of ownership. You cant keep this person all to yourself. To give her space, you should be comfortable doing your own thing and letting her do hers. You dont have to be attached at the hip to have a great relationship. In fact, if you let her pursue her own interests and hang out with her girlfriends without checking in every five seconds, shell like you even more. Find a balance that lets you both spend some time alone, spend time with your individual friends, and spend time with each other. You might get jealous if she talks to someone else, but if you trust her and youre good to her, you shouldnt have anything to worry about. 2 Take care of yourself. Dont be needy or dependent. Nothing scares a person away faster than spending time around someone who constantly needs to be reminded to do laundry, take a shower, or get to work on time. Be hygienic and neat, set goals, and work hard. You cant be a good boyfriend if youre not taking responsibility for yourself. She wont have fun in the relationship if she feels like shes always nagging you to do one thing or another. 3 Spend time with your separate friends. Encourage her to have time with her friends and expect the same in turn for time with your friends. Though every night shouldnt be boys night or girls night, you should be comfortable enough to let her spend time with her friends, and to hang out with your boys, without wishing you were with your girlfriend the whole time. Spending time with your separate friends will make you appreciate each other even more when you see each other again. Maintaining different social schedules will also give you something to report back when you are together again. 4 Maintain some separate interests. Keep up your hobbies, sports and other interests that you had before each of you met; show an interest but dont force yourself into doing those things unless youre genuinely interested. Though itll be great to find a hobby, sport, or activity that you both like together, you shouldnt force her to watch football with you if she doesnt want to, and you shouldnt have to go to yoga with her unless its something you wanted to try. Maintaining your separate interests will help you maintain a sense of individuality, and to grow separately so that you can grow together.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 10:02:55 +0000

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