Maiya is in recovery and doing fantastic! We have spoken with - TopicsExpress


Maiya is in recovery and doing fantastic! We have spoken with both doctors , (who couldnt help but tell us how adorable our girl is) and will start with the ENT aspect first. The scope of her throat showed no signs of aspiration or inflammation and no lesions (calcifications)! There were no structural abnormalities, and everything is where it should be, and formed as it should be (yay for no laryngeal cleft!) While everything structurally looked good, they did find she had a cyst in her upper esophagus, which could be caused by a number of medically interventions shes experienced the past two years. The doctor removed it, and was optimistic that it wont return. Maiyas upper endoscopy and colonoscopy also went well, showing no signs of inflammation or allergic cells in the intestine. Overall everything looked good, and seemed to be reassuring. It is possible the blood in her stool had been caused by broken blood vessels that has since healed. We will have more information after the biopsies come back towards the ends of the week, and see what those suggest. Baby girl is still groggy but once she wakes up a bit we should be able to take her home
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 20:27:48 +0000

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