Maj. General Gebrezghiabher Andemariam: A TIME TO SAY RIP, A TIME - TopicsExpress


Maj. General Gebrezghiabher Andemariam: A TIME TO SAY RIP, A TIME TO QEUSTION, A TIME TO REFLECT, A A TIME TO GRASP & A TIME FOR PARADIGM SHIFT! Interpret it as you wish but I find this song very come that the Eritrean people are unable to mourn the death of Maj. General Gebrezgiabher Andemariam (Wuchu) (May his soul rest in peace and may his family get comforted with the help of God) collectively? The sad death of a former tegadalay who performed miracles together with his comrades, has become a battlefield between Eritreans. Except for the silent majority and the very few reasonable, my disappointment in the so called pro PFDJ-group and the so called opposition or justice-seekers is inexplicable; really shameful to say the least. To start with the last group: please show some respect to the deceased and the family! You can vomit your emotion by wishing him hel and other uncivilized expressions, but that wont change anything. It is up to God to judge every human being after death. Was he alive and had the opportunity thereto opportune, then the Eritrean people could hold him accountable for his deeds in a country where the Rule of Law reigns. Death that can knock at every ones door knocked on the door of Maj. General Gebrezgiabher Andemariam wuchu earlier. God doesnt discriminate between a general, a soldier, a president, a priest, a professor, poor, rich, scholar or elementary student. I am bewildered by others who are quick to judge him without listening to his story. I thought they were fighting for Rule of Law; the basic tenet of which is hearing both sides and a just verdict after weighing the context. He has spent his whole youth /life for the independence of Eritrea and the liberty (full-fledged freedom of its people). The last one, alas, has not yet realized 22 years after independence. Nothing than good about the dead, is the wisdom of our parents and many other people in the world. And it is not about hawey Wuchuch that I want to talk. I also hope that the pro-PFDJ elements will take this opportunity to contemplate as to why the Eritrean people is so polarized and divided as we have been witnessing for a while. It cant be that these people who are reacting so negative about the death of a wonderful tegadalay, are enemies of Eritrea. They have their own personal reasons why they are reacting so. It cant be that all these Eritreans are enemies of Eritrea or their people. They seem not to listen to the anger and frustration of countless Eritreans. Today I spoke with some close friends/family of Brigader General Estifanos Seyoum (G15), and former comrade of Maj. General Gebrezgiabher Wuchu. General Estifano, General Berhane Ghebrezghier like the others were brutally arrested in September 2001 in front of their wives and children! Nobody knows whether these people are alive or dead; if dead, no body knows where they are buried. The mother of General Berhane and her two sisters passed away one after another probably because of sadness. They loved Berhane and they wanted to visit and see him; not allowed. The same with the others. Other mothers are suffering. In 2003 Colonel Tesfaldet Seyoum (brother of General Estifanos) was arrested and nobody knows if he and his brother are alive. Their mother, wives and children are suffering. Why? Rev. Dr. Fitsum Ghebrengus (the only psychiatrist) lost recently his wife Almaz. Fitsum, if still alive, was not allowed to pay his last respect to his wife and comfort his son! Rev. Dr. Kiflu Ghebremeskel, Rev. Haile Naizghi and many other clergies are suffering in the dungeons of PFDJ (till recently protected by ....) Nobody in his right mind can tell to the family and other Eritreans to say only RIP and not talk politics. The death in Eritrea of PFDJ has become politics. The pro-PFDJ elements who deny the suffering of the Eritrean people are actually (mis)using the death of Wuchu to beat the drum of propaganda and force the rest into a state of denial. Respect to the dead: yes but people should be able to talk in civility about concrete & factual things Maj General Wuchu have done; positive and negative. All this can be done in civility. 1. People who admonished others not to talk/write politics; but to write only Rest in Peace...I would have respected their opinion had these people the courage to question the policy of the regime in Eritrea to: A. throw former tegadelti like Wuch (for example Dr. Taha Mohamed Nur and others) outside the Martyrs Cemetry...just because they have questioned Isaias Afewerkis / PFDJs policy, B. the inhumanity of the regime to prohibit the family of the late Naizghi Kiflu from burying him in their own village, C. hold countless prisoners of conscience in prison, incommunicado and without any due process of law, D. run the country without any constitution, any parliament, E. run the country by denying the people the basic freedoms of speech, gathering, religion and movement, My friends, we ourselves have been becoming the enemies of ourselves. Unless we return to God in humility and truth; the suffering will continue, even if we continue to deny it. Pharao of Egypt was in total denial and arrogans; but the plague continued. It is sad to see Wuch die without any rest; actually restless. It that not the case with the leaders, the people...Why? It is simple to point your figner to others...the problems lies within us. May God give him rest. Hosea 6: 1: “Come, let us (A)return to the Lord; for (B)he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and (C)he will bind us up. youtube/watch?list=RD4fk2prKnYnI&v=4fk2prKnYnI
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 21:30:23 +0000

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