Major depressive dissorder for years and counting. From someone - TopicsExpress


Major depressive dissorder for years and counting. From someone who lives it day to day and month to month year to year its a never ending battle any number of things can trigger the mental and physical spiral downwards, insensitive people with good willed intentions from associates and so called God fearing bible toat-ting friends that are not clinically trained or certified and or even good at thier care giving professions will and can cause catastrophic results in a person that is going through the illness. People are usually soooo insensitive and or condescending to what triggers it. They do not realize what causes it. It could be child hood trauma, abuse, parental abandonment...etc are all contributing factors. That cant be easily remedied with the quote of a bible verse or a stereotypical term or phrase thats slung at you... like for instance YOU NEED TO LOVE YOURSELF etc etc..... I am still here after several attempts because I now have a network of non judgemental, non negative bringing. Truley loving friends. Along with a couple of genuinely loving family members. My Mom. A loving partner that believes in me. Therapy, God, Prayer and key word - HOPE. I now choose life but still I struggle. I did not always have a supportive safety net. ESPECIALLY in my most darkest hours....even though I was broken on the inside.I stopped allowing other broken people to break me. As I let go...saying it again as I let go. HOPE surfaced but now I keep hope always near now the stuggle gets smaller as the days go by but daily I have to envison hope. I write, I read. I listen to music, sing and breathe hope for me it has a balancing effect on my life. Making a way for inner JOY. #Fulfillment #resilience...
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 02:06:55 +0000

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