Make A Wish trip Day 7 (last day) today we woke up and packed up. - TopicsExpress


Make A Wish trip Day 7 (last day) today we woke up and packed up. All of us exhausted... We went at to where all the action is at GKTW and saw some Disney Characters that were there visiting. Lyla met Belle, and she got she see goofy again, but this time in his traditional clothes, which Lyla really liked. She told me a couple of days ago i met Goofy dressed like santa, but not in his green hat, and I saw daisy in her yellow jacket but not her purple dress, and I saw donald in a blue jacket and brown hat but not his other blue one then yesterday she saw then all in their circus outfits, so she liked seeing Goofy traditional. We ate breakfast and ice cream after the characters meets. The we checked out of our villa. We got a discharge packet full of goodies. We got a theme park passports which is free one day tickets to pretty much any park you can think of in all states and international. We also got annual 1 day GKTW passes, to visit, eat meals, ice cream, play games, etc. Pretty awesome huh. It was really hard leaving that awesome place behind. Once checked out we had a few hours before having to check in at the airport so we decided to do a quick visit at Sea World. We arrived there about 11:15 am saw a few characters, watched part of the Shamu show, that was pretty cool. Then we headed to feed the dolphins. Which is complementary for wish families. That was really cool, we got to feed them fish and pet them. After that we had enough time for trevor to ride their huge coaster, which he said was better than any he had ridden all week. And Lyla had enough time to ride a kiddy coaster. Which she loved. I think she will really like six flags, because she really enjoys the coasters. After that short visit we were more than ready to get home. It was hot, our feet hurt from all you walking, and we were/still are very tired. We made to the airport perfect timing, spent a little more time trough security this time. Lylas feeding pump had to be checked twice, first before the metal detector, then again after because she beeped. they pulled her to the side. They were very nice and Lyla did a excellent job of listened and not freaking out. After that it was smooth sailing. She was definitely more whiney/cranky this flight but so were trevor and I. We were exhausted. She wasnt too bad though, especially helps when theres a horribly acting child elsewhere to draw everyones attention too LOL. Lyla had things to keep her occupied. Of corse I forgot to charge all electronics.before we left. My phone was on its last leg, trevors too, the IPad was completely dead, and the external charger only had enough charge to get the IPad to 5%. But we managed. She colored pictures for some of the kids on th flight, and some pipe cleaners keep her busy for awhile. As soon as Lyla breathed in Texas air her allergies went crazy. She started hacking again and sneezing. Sounded horrible before I could get her some medicine. Shes sound asleep now and I will be soon too. (I will be doing some crazy style photo uploading tomorrow, some of the photos from today are pictures of my canon camera screen.) I have a SD card, and 3 Disc to upload just from this trip.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:51:58 +0000

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