Make? Disciples? How others fall in and out of OUR grace! It’s - TopicsExpress


Make? Disciples? How others fall in and out of OUR grace! It’s almost as if Satan himself were speaking…”IF” you are the son of God…make these stones bread…jump from this pinnacle of the temple…and when I say jump you say “how high!” Conditional Christians! They are Christians as long as they have no minds of their own! And mind me alone! To think as I do to act as I would have them to act…to speak as I would have them to speak…to feel as I would have them to feel…to desire only what I do… think…to see….to hear as I alone do….now THAT is what a real Christian is…..We create conditional Christians by loving others conditionally….when we love them all without OUR conditions…..then every man is our brother…sister…mother…..they are all doing the will of God by being themselves….we ALLOW them to be our brothers…sisters....mothers…..when we stop trying to MAKE them into people of love…and just love them instead. Some translations of the gospel of Matthew say… “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Make is a bad translation of the word….to enroll disciples as in school is a better way to put it….we don’t MAKE people…we don’t force them to be disciple…for a disciple that is forced is not one at heart….If we want others to take to heart what we teach we must first gain their hearts….if their hearts are with us they will hear what we say….people are enrolled by winning hearts with love…not by forcing our convictions on them….and not compromising our convictions either…..Jesus didn’t play into the “IF” you are a Son of God game….he didn’t have to prove himself…nor do we….when we do we advertise…we try to sell what we are rather than give who we really are…..Can you see beloved that we don’t convince others by conforming to their feelings…..beliefs….desires that change like the wind…..but rather by being consistent in our love toward them regardless of what they believe of us? Jesus did not conform ….yet his consistent love transformed…love is like water…it’s the consistent flowing of it over rocks that turn them into sand…it’s not in the measure of force….it’s in the consistency of presence that the hard stone is broken down….that the hard and ridged hearts around you become broken and soft as your own…… May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you as you continue to walk in awareness of his presence in the present moment. Selah
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 22:28:19 +0000

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