Make Your Day It is not a person or circumstance that can ruin - TopicsExpress


Make Your Day It is not a person or circumstance that can ruin out day. It is something inside that wants to hide and stay at bay. It is a painful past circumstance that needs to heal, but does not want to yield. It is a trigger that is letting out some toxic emotions that have been sealed. It has blinded what is reality. It is not the finality. The trigger can hold blanks. If one can accept the pain and still experience thanks. Than your heart will not experience the fullness of the yanks. The triggers from the past are striving to pull pranks. They can be less important my decreasing their ranks. Triggers can create rigors that can decrease people’s vigor. One should not feel demeaned because the triggers feel mean. One should continually be reminded that they are not what they seem. Reacting outward towards a situation or person. Can may the condition worsen. Not resisting or reacting to the person. But looking inward can create growing pains. While the pain may be highly unpleasant. They will not have to become a welcomed hearts resident. They can help you to not be shamefully hesitant. You can move back from the pain to what in reality is pleasant. You can make your day. By not allowing triggered emotions to prey. They do not have to stay. They may continue at times to resurface. But that do not have stay at that vulnerable place. One can avoid reacting to another’s overreaction. When one realizes that they may have been triggered by a past cruel action. It may be impossible not to at times become defensive. But it is better to strive to become on the offensive. Your life can move forward. It is up to them to prevent their triggers to keep them from going wayward. Make your day by understanding that triggers exist. But knee jerking reactions do not have to persist. You are the one that can make your day. Your reactions to triggers do not have to make your day shot. Emotional triggers do not have to tie your emotions in a stuck knot. You can be free of feelings of ire that is like a fire that is raging and hot. You know that there is something underneath an overreaction. That does not have to put your life in traction. Not shooting when you are others are triggered. Can keep your day from being in ruins with immense rigors. You can use your wise brain to keep your day from being in ruins. Wisely dealing with triggers can reduce inner toxins from producing stains. You can experience golden sun rays. By not overreacting to triggers you can increase the quality of your days
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 13:49:12 +0000

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