Make Your Teacher Happy With These Actions 10 Ways to Impress a - TopicsExpress


Make Your Teacher Happy With These Actions 10 Ways to Impress a Teacher 1. Pay attention to details.If your teacher asks you to bring in a specific book or workbook then make sure to bring it in. Write reminders if you have to, but come prepared. Make sure that assignments are turned in on time, and you are prepared for tests. Take a few minutes each evening to study what you learned in class. 2. Be attentive when they are teaching. Make an effort to listen each day and be involved in the lesson. Even though there will be boring topics covered in class, realize that it is their job to teach and your job to learn the information presented. 3. Answer questions that the teacher poses. 4. Be thoughtful of your teacher in and out of class. 5. Smile and speak to your teacher in the hallway. Make your teacher realize that you value them and the job they do. By acknowledging them, you are letting them know that they are okay in your book. 6. Go the extra mile. 7. Realize that your teacher is a person too and has feelings. Just coming to this realization will impact your behavior towards them in and out of class. They were students once. They have struggles and joys in their lives. They have a life outside of school. They also have feelings and when students mock them or make fun of them it can be quite difficult. 8. Laugh at their jokes. This does not mean use false or mocking laughter. But when teachers make little jokes in class, they are trying to make connections and lighten things up. You have a choice to be involved and chuckle, or at the very least, smile 9. Help the teacher straighten up after a non-traditional activity. If you have an activity in class that requires the desks to be rearranged, make sure to help them move them back into rows before you leave the class. Your help will be appreciated and noted. 10. Say thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 11:24:41 +0000

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