Make a coffee cause this one is long and I make no apology, from - TopicsExpress


Make a coffee cause this one is long and I make no apology, from my heart to yours!!!! :) .I felt compelled to write something on this same scripture, and as I scrolled down on my computer this verse was what I read. So much truth in this scripture..............Romans 10: 13-14....‘For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?’.......How could you say I love you to your spouse or loved one, if you never listened to them, never talked to them only to tell them when you needed something, or wanted something, to meet your needs, or someone elses, and never returned to him until you wanted or needed something or someone else, if you never spent time in their presence, never thanked them, never said I love you to them, and never gave another thought to those they love, and ignored and did not use the very gifts they gave you because they loved you so much, they loved you so much they were willing to die a brutal death for you, and how would they feel if they wrote you a love letter, and you left it on the table or hid it and never read it, how would they feel if you never mentioned them at all ever in conversation, and worse yet because you were embarrassed by your loved one, etc. Our Lord wants all of us, not just when it is convenient for us. We cannot fool him, if in doing this we are only fooling ourselves with lies from the enemy if we think Jesus would be okay with us ignoring Him completely after Him dying so brutal a death for us . He wants us to love Him, and tell Him we love Him, as He loves us, go to church, be in His house, and fellowship with His people, not hate them, be embarrassed by them, disrespect them, etc. If you do then you know you are guilty and something needs to change for you, not those you want to impress. Jesus wants us to talk to Him,draw near to Him, be in His presence all the time, If you do not know how to do this, ask Him, talk to Him, with a sincere heart and He will hear you and answer you. He wants you to love and trust and obey the Holy Spirit, and His Father God, ( our Father in heaven). He wants you to acknowledge Him, and to use the gifts He gave to us to help further His kingdom. He died for you and that is a free gift, but a sacrifice was needed in order for us to have that gift. HIS BLOOD ATONEMENT!!!!! Was not because he wanted to die this way, He chose to to pay for our sins upon our repentance and a life lived daily for Him. If not heaven will not be your home because you did not care, you did not love Him or you would want to show Him, be n church, talk to Him daily, read His word, and not just trust that you or others know what is in the word, and who needs a pastor to preach at me or try and teach me. Stubbornness and pride is the fall of many a great person.!!!! He wants you into His word daily, so that He can talk to you though His word, and show you how to live, by His word, not by your own understanding of it, they may cause you to be eternally separated from Him. He does not want to you to be embarrassed by Him, or not acknowledge Him, because if you do His word if you knew it would have told you already, if you do not acknowledge me before others, I will not acknowledge you before my Father in heaven. That my friends is how it will be played out in this lifetime for you!!! He has made it perfectly clear, but ignorance of His word, no matter how smart you may be or think you are, or who hurt you in whatever church for whatever reason when you attended last, It was not God who did this to you, so why abandon Him! What keeps keeps one from really giving their hearts to Christ, surrendering completely with His help and His love, and abiding in Him, choosing the devil over Him if you do none of the above, that is really who you are serving, again your choice, the god of this world satan. Many Christians think it is okay to say oh my g_d, and that I believe is very offensive to God! You I believe when I hear this, are referring to is satan small g-d. If not then you are using Gods name in vain and Gods word tells us to not take His name in vain. I cannot imagine walking daily without him, never talking with Him, never thanking Him, never serving Him, never praying to Him, never reading His word. I pray someone reads this today and the Lord would use this to penetrate that broken contrite stubborn spirit within. Life is way to short for us and even shorter for others. When we stand before God we are judged alone! Those who helped encourage you along the path to hell, those you thought were your friends, loved ones, etc. and truly cared for your soul, you will know then who really loved you were the ones trying to share Christ with you long before the final day of Judgement, and it is coming!!! Your sins will be exposed, judgement will be final, and you will never know love again, as you will be separated forever from those who cared and shared their faith, the love of Christ. The saddest day ever will be to stand before Christ him knowing you inside out, your every thought, and deed, and Him saying depart from me I know you not. If you really believe that not to be true, then look it up. Why would He say it if it were not so. Think about this!!!! There would never have had to be a human sacrifice at all or the world would not ever had to be destroyed by a flood if all of us that think we are good enough are going to heaven no matter what. Then WHAT YOU REALLY BELIEVE OR ARE SAYING IS THAT JESUS DIED FOR THE WICKED PEOPLE LIKE MURDERERS???!!!!! MOST OF ALL THE OTHER SINS THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD HAVE THEM DOWN PAT!! He died for us all, at a price so high, HIS LIFE!!!! Not just for the murderers, but for all to come into repentance, as we were all born of sin as His word tells us from birth. Now at the age of accountability you have to make a choice, and most not serving him are waaaayy past the age of accountability, and today you need to make the right choice. Your life really does depend on it. We pray for those who are dying to be made well. BUT it is not the dying that just need prayer, but the living that are unsaved, the ones whose souls are lost. Without salvation there is no hope of heaven. Love you all and those who are reading and may even take offense!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 12:54:50 +0000

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