Make a note of this It was first lesson of the day in class 3B at - TopicsExpress


Make a note of this It was first lesson of the day in class 3B at St Edwards School. ‘Angela Green, what have you got there?’ demanded Mrs Walsh. ‘Nothing Miss, just a piece of paper.’ Replied Angela All eyes in the class turned on Angela who suddenly turned a bright shade of crimson. ‘Bring it here.’ Angela stood up from her desk and took the piece of paper that Margaret Jenkins had passed to her out to Mrs Walsh who was sitting at her desk. Mrs Walsh read it and looked at Angela. ‘I can’t believe that a girl like you could write this disgusting rubbish.’ ‘It wasn’t me Miss.’ Protested Angela. Mrs Walsh looked at Angela and gave a big sigh. ‘Angela Green. To listen to you anyone would think I was born yesterday. Of course you wrote it. It’s your handwriting. You really are such a silly girl.’ Angela looked down at the floor, hands behind her back, She could feel all eyes looking at her except Lisa and Karen who were grinning at each other. Angela had shown them the contents of the note before school. ‘I shall show this to Miss Woods immediately after class and no doubt you will be summoned to see her very quickly. Go and sit down. ‘Margaret Jenkins, come out here.’ Margaret rose from her seat with a puzzled look on her face and made her way to the front. ‘You passed this note to Angela?’ said Mrs Walsh. ‘Yes Miss.’ ‘You know how I feel about girls misbehaving when they are supposed to be working. There’s no excuse for this sort of behaviour.’ ‘Sorry Miss.’ Mrs Walsh ignored that comment and reached down to her bag and pulled out a large black plimsoll. ‘You know what to expect don’t you Margaret?’ asked Mrs Walsh getting up from her chair. A downcast Margaret nodded. Why on earth didn’t I pass that note under the desk instead of over it she thought to herself. Mrs Walsh moved round the desk to where Margaret was standing , took her arm pulled her away from the desk where she faced the class. ‘Bend over and touch your toes.’ Margaret bent over with shaking hands and churning stomach. She had seen both boys and girls slippered by Mrs Walsh and it wasn’t a pretty sight. She always knew it was going to be her turn at some point although she always hoped that she would get away with it. But sadly for her this was it. Mrs Walsh measured her aim tapped the slipper on Margaret’s bottom and drew back the slipper. Whaappp! Margaret let out a loud gasp and nearly fell over with the force of blow. ‘Stand still.’ ordered Mrs Walsh. What the hell does she think I’m trying to do thought Margaret. Whaaappp! Again Margaret nearly fell over and let out another gasp. It was bad form to cry out in front of your classmates. Whaaappp! Mrs Walsh took no prisoners when it came to slippering and Margaret was now suffering. She bit her lip and shut her eyes to try and stem the sting. ‘Get up Margaret.’ Ordered Mrs Walsh. Margaret got up slowly and immediately her hands went to her throbbing bottom. She looked up towards the ceiling as she couldn’t face looking at the class with tears in her eyes. ‘Go and sit down.’ Ordered Mrs Walsh. Margaret made her way to her desk and eased herself onto her chair. During all this you could hear a pin drop. As Mrs Walsh put the slipper back in her bag. There were big grins from some of the boys in the class and sympathetic looks from the girls. The lesson continued, Margaret shifting from side to side unable to sit comfortably and Angela fidgeting as she worried about her impending visit to Miss Woods. At least it wasn’t Mrs Walsh who was going to deal with her. The expected call to see Miss Woods was not long in coming and she made her way along the corridor to her room. She knocked and entered and as soon as she got inside she noticed a plimsoll sitting on the desk. Although this was what she had expected it still sent a shudder through her body. ‘So you are the perpetrator of this note?’ said Miss Woods sitting behind her desk resplendent in her dark blue tracksuit and white plimsolls. ‘Yes Miss’ replied Margaret, hanging her head in shame. ‘I would not have thought a girl like you would write such nonsense. Why did you do it?’ ‘I don’t know Miss.’ ‘I’m surprised that a girl of your age could think such thoughts.’ ‘I’m sorry Miss. I won’t do it again, ever.’ ‘I should think not. You’ll do well to keep these sort of things to yourself.’ Said Miss Woods pausing for a few moments. ‘So, I have to deal with you. I don’t like having to do this but you give me no choice and you have to be taught a lesson so I’m going to give you the slipper.’ Angela knew this was coming but it didn’t stop her from being full of trepidation, hands sweating and heart beating fast. Miss Woods stood up and picked up the plimsoll from her desk. Then she walked round to Angela’s side . ‘Right Angela, bend over the desk,’ Angela stepped forward and leant over the desk hands holding the far side. ‘Right over,’ said Miss Woods pushing Angela down so her face was almost touching the desk. Then Angela felt her skirt being lifted up over her back. Not on my knickers she thought. Miss Woods never normally does that. She could see out of the corner of her eye Miss Woods standing beside her and felt a tap on her bottom. WHAAAP! ‘Oooowww’ yelled Angela, more out of surprise than pain. She had been slippered before by Miss Woods but nothing like as hard as that. Miss Woods was generally known as soft touch when it came to the slipper but not this time. She was a fit PE mistress in her late twenties and really lay it on when she had to. WHAAAP! ‘Oooooowwwch’ gasped Angela. WHAAAPP! ‘Ooooowww’ Only three and Angela’s eyes were already watering as she shifted from side to side. WHAAAPPP! ‘Ooooooowwww’ This time unable to keep her position over the desk. She immediately felt a firm hand on her back pushing her down. She knew now that it was going to be six. WHAAAPPPP! ‘Yeeeoooww’ Tears were now running down Angela’s cheeks as she again attempted to stand up only to be pushed down again. WHAAAAPPPP! ‘Aaaagggghhh’ cried Angela again jumping up, but this time there was no hand pushing her back down. As she stood up her skirt fell back down over her bottom as her hands came round behind her. Miss Woods stood for a few moments and then moved round to her side of the desk and replaced the plimsoll, leaving a very tearful Angela standing facing her. ‘I’m sorry it had to come to this Angela but you must realise that for indiscipline of this sort you must be severely punished. It’s not pleasant for either of us and I don’t want to have do it again, is that clear?’ Stressed Miss Woods leaning forward resting her knuckles on the desk top. ‘’Yes Miss.’ Replied a still tearful Angela. ‘Alright. Off you go then.’ Angela quickly made her way out and outside leaned against the wall rubbing her bottom and crying.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:12:07 +0000

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