Make no mistake... WE live in historic times... and NOT because - TopicsExpress


Make no mistake... WE live in historic times... and NOT because we just celebrated the 50 year anniversary of Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream speech or the 150 year anniversary of The Gettysburg Address or the 50 year anniversary of the assassination of JFK. No, We live in historic times because so much is at stake. In days of old... Men like Lincoln, King and Kennedy used magic words to help Americans identify a common sense of purpose and to see themselves and ‘the other’ as Americans first and foremost. Thats what they fought for. Thats why they wrote and spoke from the heart, the words that inspired The magic Idea of American Exceptionalism. In days of old... A good speech by a good person who truly walked- the talk... was all that was needed to create meaningful change. But today with focus groups and polls and so many silver-tonged, Ivy League speech writers... ironically words have now lost much of their meaning. To gain power, todays leaders go to war... with each other, using highly divisive and polarizing words and ideas. They All Do It... But no man in history has done this more and to greater consequence than Americas Commander in Chief... Barack Obama. And in doing so, HE has proven to the world that he is NOT the man he told US he was in 2008. 5 years into his presidency and the only thing that is crystal clear today about the man Barack Obama… is that he is no Lincoln or Kennedy. And he is absolutely NOT A KING. On this new day, it is critical for each and every American to remember that... The simple Truth was and always has been... The Whole of US... represents the better and lasting promise of US all. This is the binding principle that Lincoln and King died trying to defend. So let’s start fighting for that… https://facebook/MrPresidentPleaseResign
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:46:23 +0000

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