Make no mistake, he is suggesting an amendment that will REPEAL - TopicsExpress


Make no mistake, he is suggesting an amendment that will REPEAL THE FIRST AMENDMENT. Its effectively saying freedom of speech can be limited to only individuals acting alone. You cant form civic groups, corporations, partnerships or charities and have freedom, because Groups are not people (Yeah... did you know corporations are groups of people?) Look, I can give you a million reasons why you cant buy an election and why the American people are smart enough to filter the speech of big powerful entities. But lets just step back a minute... did I MENTION THIS SCUMBAG WANTS TO REPEAL THE FIRST AMENDMENT? Bernie Sanders has officially gone from Old fool I like to laugh at to I will literally celebrate when he dies. That puts him up with Ossama Bin Laden. No wait... hes worst. Bin Laden only toppled buildings, he never had a shot at toppling our founding principles. I cannot advocate punching Sanders in the face, but god, if I met the guy how hard it would be to stop myself.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:13:26 +0000

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