Make plants (not beings) your food. Read, nightly. Exercise each - TopicsExpress


Make plants (not beings) your food. Read, nightly. Exercise each day! And - to coin Krakauer? Get a new and different sun, shining from within... So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. (J. Krakauer, Into The Wild) Yes: Good, food for thought in my opinion. And probably good reason to look into doing the opposite, of what many in western culture might look upon as normal - even perhaps, healthy. Their largely flesh-eating ways? Which are often considered traditional, and hearty? Forgo those. And opt for the cleaner, plant-based diet, instead. No, it may not be as popular. Yet its been proven beyond doubt, to LOWER cancer risk - not to mention, to provide every nutrient needed to sustain a vibrant, active life. See Dr. Cambells The China Study for more, what Id call irrefutable proof, on that. The idea a watching TV as a good nights entertainment? I say: Forgo that too! Rather, delve into that long list of books youve got earmarked for reading. Yep, if youre anything like me? That list has become FAR too long, for comfort. And being a minimalist of sorts, long lists are just one aspect of modern living I attempt to avoid, at all costs. You can too. Just open the book on that list, which appears it might stir your heart at this very moment - and begin. By todays standards? Such an act might TRULY be called (accurately, Id add), adventuresome. Plus: Get yourself into the type of shape that bucks the trend, generally speaking. Meaning, feel free to do MORE in terms of health/fitness, than many might consider safe, or even, doctor recommended. As Id ask, personally: How well have those suggestions, really worked? And Id answer likely - considering the current, what Id call pitiable state of health, of western Man: Uh...rather poorly (at best). My opinion: Where herd is, metaphorically speaking, slated for slaughter? Head the other direction. Simple calisthenics in morning, followed by fast-walking or running is a GREAT place to start. Just train thyself (at least three times per week) until you can do no more! And youll find this, as I have: Your body-fat will plummet. Your core strength will skyrocket. Youll sleep deeply each night, and wake up invigorated, ready to take on day - rather than exhausted, and ready to, hit snooze button. More, Im betting, youll build a type of mental focus that has become all but unknown. Particularly in western culture, wherein taking it easy has become so common, that for many a 5 to 10-minute jog around block might be construed as (lol), an adventure. I say: You can do better than that. Far better! Follow the suggestions here, and to coin a phrase from Krakauer - youll wake up to a new and different sun, FAR more quickly than you might think. Yet itll be radiating to large degree Id wager, from within. Yes, even your OUTER surroundings may begin to appear differently to you - to take on a different light. Especially after having eaten a hearty, PLANT-based meal - and reading good book, the previous evening. You see then!? With this approach, youve got one good sun shining down, from above. Makes for an enjoyable workout, indeed! Plus, where a new and different sun is concerned? As youve made good diet, good reading, AND good fitness, your new way of life - no doubt about it, my friend... Youve got another good one, shining from within. J, TheSuperFitVegan *Copyright 2014, J. Sekerak
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:17:17 +0000

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