Make sure everyone you know sees and reads this. The enemy is in - TopicsExpress


Make sure everyone you know sees and reads this. The enemy is in the halls of congress & the White House.......... . Democrat Threatens Shutdown December 3, 2013 by B. Christopher Agee Leave a Comment Email0 Share1.7K 0 Share1.7K Tweet15 Photo Credit: United States Congress [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons After spending much of the past two months pinning the blame for October’s federal government shutdown on Republicans, it seems leftist Democrats would be the last ones advocating for another one. The party’s leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, however, is doing precisely that. In an apparent effort to hamstring GOP legislators, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said he would oppose any proposed continuing resolution that retained spending cuts enacted during sequestration. A bipartisan, bicameral budget negotiation is currently taking place between Republican Rep. Paul Ryan and Democrat Sen. Patty Murray. Should their discussions break down, GOP leaders are prepared to present a continuing resolution that would provide nearly $1 trillion in spending for the upcoming fiscal year, leaving sequestration cuts in place. “I believe that hurts our national security,” Hoyer said, “it hurts our economy and it undermines our responsibility of running government at a level that is productive for our people.” Aside from the leftist faithful, one struggles to recall an instance of government productivity. Hoyer, however, is demanding more money for the bloated federal behemoth under threat of another shutdown. When conservative Republicans took a stand against a healthcare law that has since devolved into an unmitigated disaster, Democrats roundly derided them as obstructionists. Mere weeks later, one of the most prominent Democrats in the nation is proposing the same result for a much less noble cause. He wants to hijack the American taxpayer for even more money that will then be squandered by Washington, D.C. bureaucrats. Anything short of that goal, he contends, is utterly unacceptable and should be met with the utmost resistance. Considering the damage leftists claim the last shutdown had on Obama’s approval numbers, the blowback that would result if his own party initiated one could be even more devastating. That thought alone should provide Republicans with enough incentive to remain steadfast on preserving those sequestration cuts. –B. Christopher Agee Read more at westernjournalism/democrat-threatens-shutdown/#RHXfaWLY0xV0deLT.99
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 11:16:14 +0000

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