Make sure that you dont make your whole experience about God - TopicsExpress


Make sure that you dont make your whole experience about God merely emotional. It is said that people generally connect in church one of two ways- by emotions or through truth. Your emotions can be stroked as your spoon fed bad doctrine. In other words, an overly charismatic pastor- who pulls strings of scripture together without hermeunitical honesty may leave you feeling charged up, but since his teaching was never based on Gods truth, it may not necessarily lead to a changed life. Only truth when taight properly can feed our Spirit and mature our faith. Bad teaching does absolutely nothing for spiritual maturity. Why? Because God is truth..and so it follows that he would not honor anything that is taught opposite to his nature. Now there may be other smaller lessons God works in for you along the way- despite the errors in the lesson, but that wouldnt be the result of the teaching, but rather an act of grace as God continues to fulfill his promise to complete the work he first started in us. Never underestimate the value of attending a good- sound- Bible teaching church. If all you get each week is flooded emotions, but no greater understanding into the nature or ways of God, and challenges of application of Gods word, youre probably better off just going to Christian rock concerts to get your tears flowing...well, not exactly least some of them are theologically sound. . .
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 21:46:23 +0000

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