Make sure these don’t factor into your lifestyle Diet plans - TopicsExpress


Make sure these don’t factor into your lifestyle Diet plans Make sure these do not factor into your lifestyle Diet plans Here’s busting that myth, and 6 more that guys believe helps them shed kilos, build muscle. Make sure these don’t factor into your lifestyle plans You may be making some positive changes in your diet and workout programme, but it’s important to bear in mind that there are health myths circulating to which you could be falling victim. Here are the top 10. EGG WHITES ARE A SMARTER OPTION The belief is that eggs are too high in cholesterol to be part of a regular diet, but this isn’t true. The fact is that the yolk is the nutrient powerhouse of the egg, containing half its protein. So chucking it out of the diet not only means missing out on a number of vitamins, you’re also letting much of the egg’s nutritional value go to waste. Doctors say as long as you don’t have any cholesterol issues, it’s perfectly fine to include one or two eggs as part of your daily diet. Only if you are consuming more than that, then go for egg whites. CUTTING CALORIES MAKES YOU LOSE FAT The calorie restriction diet myth suggests you will win the fight against flab. While losing weight does come down to how many calories you consume, it’s the types of foods you eat that will determine how you feel as you lose weight and the kind of weight you will lose. If you have a poor quality diet counting calories but eating junk food chances are you’ll lose muscle rather than fat, and thus, suffer from slow metabolism. REAL MEN DON’T DIET It is not that men don’t diet. They just do it differently. They tend to include more saturated fat in their diet, while women tend to completely avoid them. Nutritionists explain, as long as they keep their intake lower than 15 per cent of their total daily fat intake, saturated fat isn’t harmful. In fact, small doses of saturated fat can help them avoid testosterone depletion.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 16:18:04 +0000

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