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Make sure to add [email protected] to your list of safe senders or contacts. VIEW AS WEB PAGE | TELL A FRIEND | SUBSCRIBE Randall, Even Google is acknowledging that the National Republican Congressional Committees websites that mimic those of Democratic candidates cross the line. From DailyKos: First, after public backlash, they had to start offering refunds to donors whod been misled, and now, Google has put a reported phishing website warning on at least the anti-Alex Sink site. Help keep up the pressure! Add your name to our petition demanding the NRCC take down its mock campaign sites AND refund the donations that have come in through them. Just look at this screen shot of a Google search result for Democratic candidate “Martha Robertson for Congress” (for the NRCC page): Clearly, someone searching for Robertsons campaign in order to make a donation in support of her could easily miss that one word defeat ... this is the epitome of dishonesty. Please take action and help spread the word now. Thank you! -- Alex Source: dailykos/story/2014/02/05/1275366/-Google-slaps-phishing-warning-on-misleading-GOP-website From: Stop Republican Dirty Tricks Re: Will you let a GOP committee defraud Dem donors? Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 Demand the NRCC take down its fraudulent campaign sites AND refund the donations that have come in through them. Randall, Now this is truly insane. The National Republican Congressional Committee is tricking would-be Democratic campaign donors into making donations to defeat the candidates they support -- with Republican websites that look like they could easily be the campaign pages of Democratic candidates. If you agree that this is absolutely outrageous, please join our petition to the NRCC right now demanding that they take down the fraudulent sites AND refund the donations that have come in through them. Unless site visitors read the fine print on the landing pages and the donation forms, it’s very easy to see how they could think these web sites were those of the Democratic candidates. As ThinkProgress reported yesterday: Ray Bellamy of Florida says he was tricked by the page and accidentally made a donation to the NRCC. “It looked legitimate and had a smiling face of Sink and all the trappings of a legitimate site,” Bellamy told the Tampa Bay Times. The look-alike page uses the same colors as Florida candidate Alex Sink’s campaign, with the URL sinkrocongress2014 [sic]. Once entering information, the person is redirected to an NRCC thank-you page. The NRCC launched the mock sites to target Democratic candidates they say are “frauds,” but if this is some sort of lame attempt at satire it’s way off the mark. It’s nothing more than a dirty trick and it’s reprehensible. They are making a mockery of democracy and they’re swindling people. Join the petition now and tell the NRCC to stop it immediately. Thank you for all you do. -- Alex Hart, Online Team Sources: arizonaspolitics.blogspot/2014/02/warning-calling-them-frauds-national.html | privacy policy | subscribe | unsubscribe | contact us | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Do not reply directly to this e-mail. Please use [email protected]. 1101 15th Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005-5002, 202-467-4999
Posted on: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 00:33:59 +0000

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