Make your own SMUDGE STICKS Night Moth Smudge sticks are - TopicsExpress


Make your own SMUDGE STICKS Night Moth Smudge sticks are tightly bound bundles of herbs (often as sage), that are slowly burned as a way to purify and cleanse your house or yourself. Originally, the roots of or smudging come from North American Native purification ceremonies, but can be used by anyone to clear negative energy and as an added bonus – makes your rooms smell nice. If you have a garden, chances are good that you have enough ingredients to make at least one smudge stick. The popular herbs used in smudging ceremonies are white sage (Salvia apiana), homegrown_smudgesticks Cedar (Thuja), Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), sagebrush (Artemisia californica), and mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). •Step 1. Clip herbs into similarly sized lengths. The bigger the better, make ‘em nice and fat if you can. They burn slower and last longer. Wrap a string around the base of the herbs, make sure the string is thick enough and won’t break easily. •Step 2. Begin to wrap the string tightly around the herbs, going on an upwards angle. Make sure it’s as tight as possible and progresses upwards. Wrap it around twice in the same spot if need be. smudgesticks_steps • Step 3. Once you get to the top, start winding the string back down, in a criss cross pattern. This gets insures the herbs are secure and won’t fall out when it’s burning. When you get back to the base, wrap it around a few more times then tie a few tight knots. Cut the string, then there you go! •Step 5. Set the bundles aside somewhere dry and dark where there is good air circulation. You can hang them using string or thin wires. You can also lay them out flat to dry, but make sure the air circulation gets underneath the bundle as well – it if doesn’t completely dry out, it will be hard to light. And just like that, you have a magical wand of purity! You can walk around your home, waving it around to gets lots of smoke. Traditionally feathers were used to garner more smoke. The more you move it, the more smoke is released. Happy smudging! With love, Alexandria Laredo
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:07:00 +0000

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