#MakeDCListen HERE COMES THE ZOMBIE CONGRESS! Fellow - TopicsExpress


#MakeDCListen HERE COMES THE ZOMBIE CONGRESS! Fellow Conservatives: The elections are over, but you cant put your guard down. Politicians are flying back to Washington right now to spend more of your money. Rather than postponing their unfinished work until January when the new Congress is sworn in, a bunch of zombie legislators who were defeated last week are about to enact sweeping policies that impact the lives of all Americans. Former Senator Jim DeMint, our founder and the president of The Heritage Foundation, wrote a column about this last week. DeMint wrote, Lame duck lawmakers could use this years post-election session to push through a costly omnibus spending bill … with total impunity. Those who want to further burden Americans by taxing their Internet purchases also are contemplating the chance to ram through the misleadingly titled “Marketplace Fairness Act.” The “fairness” here means you send more money to the government! (Source: senateconservatives.us2.list-manage/track/click?u=75124207697efe9a19ed9a724&id=13bc375064&e=3fd98b0c61) This is unacceptable. House and Senate Republicans should force the Democrats to postpone these debates until next year. Senator Ted Cruz agrees: senateconservatives.us2.list-manage/track/click?u=75124207697efe9a19ed9a724&id=7d879d5531&e=3fd98b0c61 I dont think Congress should come back for a lame duck, Cruz said. I think the idea of having a bunch of Senators who have just been thrown out of office set any meaningful policy doesnt make any sense. Hes absolutely right. Republicans should not allow Senator Harry Reid to continue to control the agenda after the beating his party took at the polls last week. If Senator Mitch McConnell wants to be the new Senate Majority Leader, he should insist that these issues be postponed. If these matters werent urgent before the elections, they can certainly wait until next year. And why would the Republican House EVER be willing to deal with Harry Reid when all they have to do is wait two months to deal with a GOP Senate? Americans didnt send more Republicans to the Senate so they could hand the keys right back to the Democrats. We sent them to cut the spending. BIG SPENDERS LOVE LAME DUCKS Unfortunately, not all Republicans agree. Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri (32% Liberty Score™), for example, does not object to lame duck legislating. As long as you have a Republican House, I don’t think senators need to be overly worried about what a lame-duck Senate is going to do, Blunt said. Either Senator Blunt is trying to deceive people or he hasnt been paying attention for the last four years. Having a Republican-controlled House hasnt stopped Senate Democrats from passing budget-busting spending bills, higher taxes, more debt, and funding for Obamacare. Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi (40% Liberty Score™) revealed the real reason why he, Blunt, and other big-spending Republicans like lame duck sessions. A lame duck... is an opportunity to get things done by consensus, which is the way weve historically done things in the Senate anyway, Wicker said. There you have it. Liberal Republicans like lame duck legislating because its easier to cut deals with Democrats and continue business as usual. SEND THEM A MESSAGE Heres the list of Senate Republicans: senateconservatives.us2.list-manage/track/click?u=75124207697efe9a19ed9a724&id=e2c20090db&e=3fd98b0c61 Please contact them and tell them to stop the liberal lame duck and postpone the passage of any unfinished business until next year. Tell them that you dont want zombie Democrats passing legislation now that they have been defeated. Weve also included links to their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts so you can urge them to do the right thing on social media. Thank you for standing strong for freedom and for making your voice heard. Well keep fighting. Sincerely, Ken Cuccinelli II President Senate Conservatives Fund @KenCuccinelli / @SCF Please share this on Facebook and Twitter. Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. SCF was founded by former Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) and has helped elect principled leaders like Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Rand Paul (R-KY). Senate Conservatives Fund P.O. Box 388 Alexandria, VA 22313
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:08:41 +0000

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