Makes one wonder what really is up with the Snowden Affair – - TopicsExpress


Makes one wonder what really is up with the Snowden Affair – Shedding new light on the controversy over the NSA terrorist surveillance program, Glenn Greenwald (The Guardian U.S.version) who served as the mouthpiece for former NSA contract employee Edward Snowden has addressed several Marxist-Leninist conferences over the last few years. Socialism 2011 conference and ended the evening of July 3, 2011, as part of a plenary entitled “Revolution and imperialism in the Middle East.” He is also a featured speaker at the Socialism 2013 conference in Chicago this month. The conferences are officially sponsored by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change (publisher of International Socialist Review and Haymarket Books), and co-sponsored by The International Socialist Organization (publisher of Socialist Worker). So Glenn Greenwald, the man who leaked America’s vital national security secrets on a massive scale, may not be the objective, impartial journalist he portrays himself to be. It has been revealed that he works hand-in-glove with the International Marxist movement against the United States and its allies. This would help explain why China, Russia and other American adversaries and enemies stand to benefit from his disclosures. Other revelations: 1. Greenwald proudly accepted an award named in honor of Soviet agent and left-wing journalist I.F. Stone. 2. He has encouraged people to donate money to WikiLeaks, the organization started by Julian Assange that disclosed classified information about U.S. counter-terrorism programs. 3. Assange worked for Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) before being granted asylum in the London embassy of the Marxist government of Ecuador. 4. He defends WikiLeaks and Julian Assange against charges they illegally released classified information from Bradley Manning, the Army analyst on trial for espionage and aiding the enemy. 5. He also denounced the Tea Party for opposing Obamacare. Before The Snowden Affair: 1. During a speech at the Socialism 2012 conference, Greenwald called the creeping surveillance state—with the expansive NSA hoarding complex at its center—an impediment to any efforts to meaningfully challenge the political status quo. 2. Greenwald is a hero to the Marxists for challenging the NSA and “the surveillance state.” The coincidence: 1. Greenwald’s source in the NSA controversy, Edward Snowden, is hiding out in Chinese Hong Kong and has been offered asylum in Russia. 2. The evidence of Greenwald’s involvement with the international Marxist movement puts his attacks on the NSA’s terrorist surveillance programs in a new light. The Questions: 1. But will those who jumped on the Snowden bandwagon reevaluate their support for him now that the involvement of Marxist groups and hostile forces in Snowden’s cause has become impossible to ignore? Was Snowden a mole that was set up in advance? 2. Is there a concerted effort to destroy agencies such as the NSA and CIA in the hall of Congress? In the White House? In the frenzy of American clambering that more “transparency” is need in the NSA? The Intent: "I think the only means of true political change will come from people working outside of that [two-party electoral] system to undermine it, and subvert it, and weaken it, and destroy it; not try to work within it to change it." Glenn Greenwald Tom G Source of Reporting – Accuracy in Media (AIM)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 06:06:13 +0000

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