Making Each Moment Sacred... A few days ago, I met a young girl - TopicsExpress


Making Each Moment Sacred... A few days ago, I met a young girl while on rounds who told me that it was her birthday but it was going terribly because she had to spend her 16th birthday in a hospital bed. It made me think deeply of why we all look forward so eagerly to that special day in each year when we are celebrated (hopefully), on the day marking our entry into human life. Its because, I believe, many individuals think that on every other day of the year, they are just another random person, with nothing special in store for them, and nothing special that they can give or experience. This is the same reason that as you near the end of your birthday, you feel disappointed and sad. You know its over! I arranged a small cake for this girl and received a smile only when I promised that wed celebrate properly after her discharge. I also understood that I was very fortunate in my life because I often feel that every day is a special day for me. Not because I am special. Not because of any special treatment or praise from others, but because of my realization a few years ago that each day holds within it, the potential of being the day. The day when I make a difference. The day when I come closer to my deepest, spiritual or emotional goals. The day when I live my life to its fullest. In honor of this constant move forward, upon waking, I do NOT pray that the day is nice and pleasant. A nice and pleasant life would defeat the purpose of human existence. Quite the contrary, I pray for wisdom. I prepare myself to experience the richness that is only present in pain, disappointment and hurt. At least, as much as it is found in love, fulfillment and joy. I know that though I may resist at first, I also know in the end I shall grow. I shall live fully for that day, despite possible tears or injuries. I would have the peace that comes from knowing I experienced that day without need for a mask or armour against vulnerability or life. I truly have no choice in that. The alternative is to atrophy and shrivel up. Along with this understanding, I saw how much we need to treat each other with a special and sacred approach. We constantly ask, WHO will make me feel special today? Who will honor me, or respect me? Who shall find me attractive, unique or worthy of love? The truth is that regardless of any attention we find that, the effects last only a few hours. We regress to the mean. We go back to feeling...blah. So, as I did 3.5 years ago, I invite you all to dedicate each day, each hour, each moment to living sacredly. Not waiting for enlightenment and all that. Dedicate each day to seeing others as desperately needing your respect and love. Especially the ones who seem most difficult. Give it. Give it fully. And if you find that it is not received. That it is not even accepted, then know at that moment that you are living the sacred life because YOU are giving unconditionally and without any expectation of appreciation. Each morning, commit to being God-like. No religion here. Be super-human. If you fail or fall or screw up, get up and keep going. Focus on giving to others. Express your love, affection and respect. In any way you can; a smile, a kind word or encouragement. And while you do this, be sure to receive. You may be surprised that it will, most certainly be given back to you. Maybe not in the form that you expected. But receive and know your spirit to be nourished. Take care of yourself. And keep spreading your new magic. Its either this, or living the mediocre life isnt it? Make your choice and begin.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:25:18 +0000

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