Making Food Accessible: DNA Detection of Allergens One of the - TopicsExpress


Making Food Accessible: DNA Detection of Allergens One of the greatest dangers for people with food allergies is cross-contamination. This occurs when foods that they can eat become contaminated with proteins from foods that they cannot eat. This article details how a team of scientists has worked to develop a system to detect cross-contamination of processed foods such as spices by searching for the DNA of common allergens. If successful, this project could enable people with food allergies to safely eat more processed foods. BMBF project AllerGen: DNA test to protect consumers against food allergens Desmond Molloy Biology with Lab for Non-Majors SMCC Professor Lloyd 6/17/13 Statnik, M. (2011, September 18). BMBF project AllerGen: DNA test to protect consumers against food allergens. Biotechnology and Life Sciences in Baden-Württemberg, Retrieved June 11, 2013 from Summary The article discusses research conducted at the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences in Germany. The purpose of the research project is to develop more effective DNA-based methods of detecting allergen contamination of food produced on an industrial scale. During industrial food processing, it is possible for allergens to be inadvertently introduced into food products. This is known as cross-contamination. Cross-contamination severely restricts the dietary options of people with allergies. In some cases, the presence of allergens can be life threatening. To avoid liability, companies often label these foods as potentially containing certain allergens. This makes food shopping difficult for those with allergies. The research team focused on developing more precise and accurate methods of detecting allergens. Specifically, they researched the potential of DNA-based detection. The research project concentrated on the contamination of spices. “Cross-contamination with potentially allergenic components has become a major issue particularly in the processing of spices, which involves the use of many hundreds of individual substances and mixtures and practically all allergens that fall under the food labelling regulation.” Professor Dr. Jörg Bergemann’s team focused on three areas. The first was comparative analysis. The team deliberately contaminated an allergen-free spice mixture with allergens, and then used it to quantify authentic spice samples. They found that 50% of the samples contained celery, mustard, or soy—the allergens that they had been searching for. This is not the only method that the researchers explored. “The researchers from Sigmaringen have also evaluated a modular system that involved the isolation of DNA using magnetic capture hybridization (MCH) followed by real-time PCR. MCH involves the sequence-specific isolation of target analytes using streptavidin-coated magnetic particles and biotynilated capture probes.” PCR, or polymerase chain reactions, is a system of generating copies of a single DNA sequence. This enables closer examination for contamination. Finally, the Bergemann team conducted experiments to determine the efficacy of mitochondrial DNA analysis. Mitochondrial DNA is present in greater numbers than nuclear DNA. This makes it a better subject for the MCH test outlined above. The team compared the results of a nuclear DNA test with those of a mitochondrial DNA test. The mitochondrial DNA test was approximately 100 times as sensitive to allergen DNA as the nuclear DNA test. Topic This article strongly relates to this week’s topic of DNA and genetics. In their research, Professor Bergemann and his team found that DNA could be used to detect allergens, both by comparison and by DNA isolation. They also verified that mitochondrial DNA, which is present in greater numbers than nuclear DNA, is a more effective indicator of allergen presence. These discoveries have tremendous implications. Normally, people with allergies must avoid foods that possibly contain allergens. DNA testing may free people from some constraints of allergies. It may also help companies to more accurately label their products. Ultimately, the research demonstrates the real-world applications of DNA analysis. Scientific Pathways 1. Exploration and Discovery. One of the most important parts of exploration and discovery is asking questions. The Bergemann team’s study was designed to answer a question—how can allergen detection methods become effective enough to protect food companies against liability, and consumers against allergic reactions ranging from itchy eyes to anaphylactic shock? 2. Testing Ideas. Testing ideas includes compiling data. The Bergemann team conducted extensive data collection on the efficacy of DNA-based methods of detecting allergens. 3. Community Feedback. The Bergemann team published their results, making them available to the scientific community. In doing so, they invited community feedback from scientists, food companies, and people with food allergies. 4. Benefits and Outcomes. The study helped to move the development of allergen-detection systems forward. This may make processed or packaged food safer for those with allergies, and protect food companies from liability. Connection to Student’s Life This research has immense real-world applications. For people with anaphylactic reactions to certain substances, exposure can be fatal. In order to strike a balance between safety and convenience, it is important that we set a goal of developing highly effective methods of detecting allergens. DNA testing may allow us to meet—or even exceed—this goal. It offers a broad range of possibilities. What if DNA testing could be compacted into a handheld device, one that could be used to test food at a restaurant or vendor’s cart? This would be liberating for those with allergies. DNA testing makes such solutions a very real possibility.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 16:29:31 +0000

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