Making a hard decision? Keep in mind there is no absolute right or - TopicsExpress


Making a hard decision? Keep in mind there is no absolute right or wrong choice. The very choices you make define who you are, shaping you into the kind of person you imagine yourself to be. Stumbled upon this TED Talk yesterday, in the middle of the night. Impulsively typed down halfway through Ruth Changs talk while listening because it was so insightful. This made me miss my philosophy classes too. “When we choose between options that are on a par, we can do something really rather remarkable. We can put our very selves behind an option. Heres where I stand. Heres who I am. I am for banking. I am for chocolate donuts. This response to hard choices is a rational response, but is not dictated by reasons given to us. Rather, its supported by reasons created by us. When we create reasons for ourselves to become this kind of person rather than that, we wholeheartedly become the people that we are.”
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:09:13 +0000

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