Making plans for the Holidays isnt always going to be in everyones - TopicsExpress


Making plans for the Holidays isnt always going to be in everyones favor. The family is getting bigger with other families involved and to please. So far we have bent to the will of some for certain holidays. Interfering with a Family tradition that has been around long before some have come to existence is not the way its done. We strive to come together as a whole during the Holidays to have our children, spouses, aunts, uncles, Nana s and bumpas share the love and joy spending time with eachother. Fighting over time, dates, quality of gifts, money and such is also not how a family treats eachother. We all have a year to plan events on specific dates that have been around traditionally for decades. Some will be late, some will leave early and some might not be able to make it. No matter what we understand life is busy and a certain date will never please everyone. Best we can do is enjoy each others company and think about the ones who couldnt make it. Plans were originally made for The Olson Thanksgiving to be Friday at Moms and we were going to attend. We made plans to go to Jacque s family on Thanksgiving. Than someone changed the plans at the last minute to Thanksgiving Day and we missed out completely. Same with someone now trying to interfere with the Olson Christmas which takes place on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day was to be reserved for immediate families and spouses families. Per my court order I get Cassi and Ali every other Holiday and Christmas Eve only. They barely see our family as it is and miss the cousins and aunts. We need to plan a schedule in advance and stop changing dates at the last minute. I am not mad and intending to upset anyone. It just needs to be understood that the world always doesnt revolve around a select few of people. We all get screwed once and a while. I love all my family. See you on Xmas Eve.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:20:09 +0000

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