Making the Best of the Best Days The Prophet (s) said, “There - TopicsExpress


Making the Best of the Best Days The Prophet (s) said, “There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these days.” He was referring to these ten days. They asked, “O Messenger of Allaah! Not even jihaad in the way of Allaah?” He responded, “Not even jihaad in the way of Allaah, except the case of a man who left with his self and his wealth (to spend for Allaah) and did not return with any of them.” Make TAWBAH BEFORE THE LAST 10 DAYS To bring Jinnah Close to us: Qaf 31-33 And Paradise will be brought near to the righteous, not far, (31) [It will be said], "This is what you were promised - for every returner [to Allah] and keeper [of His covenant] (32) Who feared the Most Merciful unseen and came with a heart returning [in repentance]. (Qaf:33) Awwab: constantly immediately - making tawbah like 38:30 in times of ease and stress And to David We gave Solomon. An excellent servant, indeed he was one repeatedly turning back [to Allah]. (38:30) Hafeezh: protect the eyes and ears which are channels to the heart. And protect our tongue from the haram.. We will lower our gaze. Protect our limbs Khashyah bil ghayb: like ihsan fear although have never seen Allah. It could also mean that he is fearing Allah when the people don’t seem him. Avoid public mixing. Have time alone with Allah. A heart which is muneeb (repentant and humble) make time for inkisar (broken apart humbly get rid of “I” and know you are nothing to be humble) wa iftiqaar. Qalb Muneeb: . A heart which is muneeb (repentant and humble) make time for inkisar (broken apart humbly get rid of “I” and know you are nothing to be humble) wa iftiqaar. Sa’eed ibn Jubayr, when the ten days started, he strived so much that nobody could catch up to him or be similar to him. We need to embark an “intensive good deeds training course” in these days, with clearly defined goals. These goals listed below are just a list of good deeds we can and should strive to do in these days to maximize the opportunity of gaining Allah’s reward, love, blessings, tawfeeq, and acceptance. But before that, there is a prerequisite: AL-ISTIGHFAR (seeking forgiveness). This is to remove all barriers created by our sins that block us from achieving righteous deeds. Make LOTS of istighfar then ask Allah’s help, roll up your sleeves, and begin the race for good deeds and forgiveness. Project One: Completion of the whole Qur’an (Try 3 juz a day) Project Two: Increase your Salah A) Pray Fard as soon as it comes in. B) Duha prayer (2-12 rakahs) C) Rawatib (sunnah prayers connected to fard) -2 before Fajr -2 before Dhuhr and 2 after, OR 4 before Dhuhr and 2 after, OR 4 before Dhuhr and 4 after. Aim for the last one. The Prophet (s) said, “The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever maintains four rak’ahs before Dhuhr and four after it, Allaah will make the Hellfire haraam (prohibited) for him.” -4 before Asr. The Prophet (s) said, “May Allaah have mercy on a person who prays four rak’ahs before ‘Asr.” -2 after Maghrib -2 after Ishaa *Pray longer, make wudu before each prayer. And in the hours before dawn they would ask forgiveness, (18) D) Qiyaam al-Layl - Prophet (s) said “Hold fast to qiyaam al-Layl; for, truly, it is the way of the righteous before you, a means of closeness to your Lord, an expiation for your bad deeds, and a (a means of) prevention from sins.” - The Prophet (s) said, “You should stick to qiyaam al-layl. For it is the way of the righteous before you, a prevention from sin, and it expels disease from your bodies.” - Prophet (s) said, “The believer’s honor (or dignity) is (in) praying at night.” - The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever prays at night with ten verses will not be written amongst he heedless. And whoever prays at night with one hundred aayahs, will be written from the devoutly obedient, and whoever prays at night with one thousand verses will be written from those with a multitude of good deeds.” Lengthen your prayer and duaaaaaa Project Three: Hajj and Umrah Reward (for those who aren’t going) Isn’t it too late? No. The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever prays Fajr in Jamaa’ah, then sits and remembers Allaah until the sun rises, then prays two rak’ahs, he will have the reward of a complete, complete, complete Hajj and Umrah.” Project Four: Plenty of Dhikr The Prophet (s) said, “There are no days greater with Allaah, nor wherein righteous deeds are beloved to Allaah, than the ten days (of Dhul-Hijjah). So increase in them, in tasbeeh, tahmeed, tahleel, and takbeer.” Therefore, the best words to say in these days are: SubhaanAllaah, wal-hamdulillaah, wa Allahu Akbar… choose a number above above 100 more and then go beyond it. Every waking moment you are saying these. Stay in your prayer spot making thikr….. When you get up continue you on your tongue as you are cleaning and dealing with your life. Thikr teaches a person about sincerity. Trick your nufs… diminish her. Its between you and Allah. Make takbeer of Eid from the first day. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa illahil hamd. Surah Naml if only you make istighfar it will cause Allah’s Mercy to descend to the earth. He said, "O my people, why are you impatient for evil instead of good? Why do you not seek forgiveness of Allah that you may receive mercy?" (46) Prayer and zakat = equal worship to Allah and serving the people Project Five: Fasting The wives of the Prophet (s) reported, “The Prophet (s) used to fast the first nine days (or the ninth day) of Dhul-Hijjah, the Day of Ashoorah, three days of each month, and the first two Mondays and Thursdays of each month.” Remember the reward: “Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will distance his face from the fire the distance of 70 years.” Especially on the Day of Arafah. The Prophet (s) said, “For fasting the Day of Arafah, I expect the following reward from Allaah: that it expiates sins from the year that past and the year coming.” Project Six: Sadaqah Include meat, toys, and clothes for a needy family. FEED the people Project Seven: Maintaining Family Ties The Prophet (s) said, “The womb is hanging on the ‘arsh. So whoever connects me, Allaah connect him. And whoever cuts me off, Allaah will cut him off” The Prophet (s) said, “O people! Spread salaams amongst you, feed the people, maintain family ties, pray at night when the people are sleeping, and you will enter Jannah in peace.” Project Eight: Brotherhood / Sisterhood for Allaah’s sake The Prophet (s) said, “Indeed from Allaah’s slaves are some people, who are not prophets nor martyrs, but the prophets and martyrs will wish to be in the place on the Day of Judgment.” The sahaabah asked, “O Messenger of Allaah! Inform us who they are! He replied, “They are those who loved each other for Allaah, with no family relationship between them, with no money being given between them. Indeed, their faces will be light and they are upon a light. They will not fear when the people fear, nor will they grieve when the people grieve.” Then he recited the verse, “Surely, the awliyaa of Allaah will have no fear upon them nor will they grieve.” Project Nine: Generous with Neighbors Project Ten: Forgive and Forget – Make Tawbah before the 10 days Project Eleven: Reconcile between People Project Twelve: The Day of ‘Arafah Fasting, Du’aa, Du’aa, Du’aa… try to finish the whole Quran on Arafah khitmah Project Thirteen: The Day of ‘Eed -Ed prayer, with a smile and salams to those you know and those you don’t. -Listen to the khutbah! -Family Ties -Offer a sacrifice! Make all of this with the intention of gaining the reward of having your sins forgiven. Hussain (not sure who) use to feed the widows of Medina. We need to do the humbling deeds May Allah forgive us for any mistake in the above post. Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 07:03:49 +0000

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