Makkah is the Mother of all Towns and is Sacred the day Allah - TopicsExpress


Makkah is the Mother of all Towns and is Sacred the day Allah subhanahu wa ta ala created the earth. It will remain sacred until the Day of Judgment. The reward of doing good deeds in Makkah is multiple. But the accountability of committing sins there is multiplied as well and earns the cursed of Allah, the angels and mankind combined. Makkah is secured from Masih ad dajjal - Anti Christ or false Messiah. Allah subhanahu wa ta ala protected the Kaabah from the destruction of the Christian Governor of Yemen with his army 1,487 years ago. Allah swt sent against them His army of sea birds who pelted these Christian armies with baked clay the size of chick pea killing them all. An event that ushered the year of the birth of Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam. The year that etched Makkah the reputation of "The Town protected by Allah and the tribe of the Prophet to be called the People of Allah swt" Henced Makkah is regarded as a place of refuge and security. And it will remain such until the end of Time. However towards the end of the life in this world, when its people will no longer believed in Allah and they will in turn violate the sanctity of Makkah making it as a place of commerce and it will be only used as a tourist destination and no longer a place for worship, Allah swt will allow the destruction of al Kaabah. This will happen because Muslims will lose respect for the sacredness of Makkah. Its destruction will come from the hand and shovel of a black ithiopian whom Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam referred to when he said "The Kaabah will be destroyed by Dhus - Suwaiqatain (a man with thin legs) from Abyssinia (Ithiopia) Sahih Bukhari (1591) It was narrated by Ali r.a that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said that "Do a lot of Tawaf around the House (Kaabah) as much as you can before you are prevented from doing so. It is as if I can see him with a small head and small ears destroying it with his shovel." In another narration it was said that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said "Allegiance will be sworn to a man between the Rukn and the Maqam and no one will violate the sanctity of this House (Kaabah) except its own people. When they violate it, do not ask about the destruction of the Arabs. Then the Abyssinians will come and destroy it in such a way that it will never be rebuilt and they are the ones who will extract its treasure. (Ahmad 2/291) Chapter al Hajj22:25 in its english interpretation Allah swt said; "Verily, those who disbelieved and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, and from Al Masjid al Haram (in Makkah) which We have made (open) to (all) men, the residents in it and the visitor from the country are equal there, and whoever inclines to evil actions therein or to do wrong, him We shall cause to taste from a painful torment. Now, the time has come that not all are allowed to enter Makkah especially Masjid al Haram except if you have permit and or you have a big amount of money and you have your vaccination which varies depending on the epidemic endorsed by the pharmaceutical companies which will have full media sensation before hajj season comes in order to create a scare and of course obligatory vaccination against it. Hasbunallahu wa ne mal Wakil. Patience is fitting for us. Allah is our Protector and Defender.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 10:57:33 +0000

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