Malawi Voice Wrote;;;;;; On Saturday Banda - TopicsExpress


Malawi Voice Wrote;;;;;; On Saturday Banda high-jacked “First Ladies’ Global Call to Action Conference on women and girls’ financial health” convened for the First Ladies of the world before she was embarrassed by Rwandan President’s Jeannette Kagame. Kagame got furious with how Banda imposed herself on the event and enjoyed people addressing her Madam President. Kagame furiously retorted: “Ladies, please stop this nonsense, stop addressing her as President of Malawi, we have a new President in Malawi. #my #response #1 She was a Chair there and wina uja anathawa ati kunyanyala poti masteni nde tcheya wa summit imeneyo, azunguwa akuonetseratu kuti iwowo sakupanga recognize winayu koma wathuyu. Madam JB is a former president and the way one can address her is madame president,i dont know how else one should or would? Admin,you have a heart of a lizard and if you are getting paid for that you are embezzling your employer’s perks for shit. #2 all i can say is that the admin of this page appears as a bootlicker hoping to be roped into a high govt position by President Prof. Peter Mutharika. Why is he always posting anti-Banda statements, that reflects a mission sure. #3 if madam kagame really said that, then, The Rwandese first lady herself displayed a great deal of ignorance. I have said like this simply because In the same corridors of the UN George Washington. Bush was salutary as president Bush . ....even Retired Army Generals etc are addressed as such in their retirement . Madame ka game stop that genocidal mentality or can i say inferiority complex is at its highest peak!!! #4 Nobody can gatecrash into those high profile event. May be u didnt get me all am saying is that JB was invited & she had her on mission as the sem as APM apa mukungoonetsa umbuli wanu with your foolish stories. akuona ngati amangopita ngati akupita ku sadaka umbuli kuzitenga ngati ndiinu anthu ozindikila bt muli ma zoba. DPP FAITHFOOLS TRYING TO TARNISH JOYCE BANDA’S CREDIBILITY. umbuli bwanji amalawi ku misonkhano ngati imeneyo munthu samangopita opanda kuitanidwa aliyese amakhala ndi seat yake ukufuna kumunamiza ndani. And from my sources there was no such thing as embarrassment to Dr Joyce Banda. Everything was okay and she enjoyed chairing the meeting and all first ladies were happy to share their experiences with the most powerful woman in Africa and learn from them. #5 #finally(summary) My friend, they say once a soldier,always a soldier. So, once President, always President! We still call retired army generals by their title as General, former diplomats by their titles as Ambassador or High Commissioner. This is a common trend. Usually it is only in written situations when the words Former or Retired are used. A die hard DPP supporter as you are, I believe you would be very pleased if after leaving office people still call Prof. Peter Mutharika, Mr President, Sir!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:58:45 +0000

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