Malaysia flight 370 -- I received the following from 2 different - TopicsExpress


Malaysia flight 370 -- I received the following from 2 different sources a couple of days apart -- here is Ashtar explaining what happened to Suzy -- (I received virtually the same explanation over the weekend!). All persons aboard the missing airliner were relocated to a small planet that approximates your atmosphere and to some extent the topography, and the inhabitants are fairly similar to your population in appearance. When the plane developed serious malfunctions that couldn’t be remedied, we shifted it into a higher dimension and set course for that planet. None of the soul contracts of the crew and passengers included such an adventure, but neither did they include death at that time. In cases like that, we are authorized to step in. The unexpected experience was real to them because all witnessed the plane’s abrupt turn, yet surreal because they were flying through space unlike anything they had ever seen. There was no panic because immediately the rescuers used our communication system to tell them what was transpiring, and the energy of the loving explanation created a peaceful acceptance within those people whose future was being redirected. The plane was dematerialized after all had disembarked. They were met by some of our crew members, who had taken on Earth body appearances and garb to ease the newcomers’ first moments in their new land, and taken to what you would call an exclusive resort. It is the “starting-over” point for all Earth souls who are rescued by other civilizations, and there have been many of those occasions in your past centuries. During the first days the group received a “downloading” of the only language spoken in that world and basic knowledge of the population. It is a simple procedure, like the workings of your computers. After an orientation briefing and photographic overview of what the region offers, each person was given the choice of various types of living quarters, individual transportation mode, and employment or schooling. Each was given a paper that functions like a ticket to attend all events desired and plenty of the “tokens” that are used to obtain articles or services. From the resort, all were taken to the quarters they chose and given their chosen mode of private transportation, and food and all other basic necessities were provided for housekeeping. You could think of this as an unusually elaborate “welcome wagon” service. The newcomers’ knowledge, talents and interests will be well used and appreciated in that world, and, just as on Earth, life there is as fulfilling and meaningful as each chooses to make it. Now, Suzy, I’ll answer the questions running around in your head. No, we couldn’t put those people back on Earth. We had to act fast, but every possible factor was considered and going to that world was their best option—it was the only option that could assure their survival. We couldn’t put the plane on a runway at its destination airport—without landing clearance, it would have created chaos and danger to incoming and departing air traffic. And who could explain how that disabled craft suddenly showed up on the ground hours ahead of schedule? How could its sudden public appearance anywhere be explained? Well, it couldn’t, but that wasn’t the decisive factor. There weren’t sufficient provisions in the plane, most essentially water, for all on board to live very long without replenishments, and there is no secluded place on your planet where we could put it down and guarantee those people’s survival until they were found. We wish everyone in your world could know that they are alive and well on a planet much like Earth, but who would make such a statement? Who would believe it? Especially we wish the families and friends of the people who disappeared could know that their dear ones are living comfortably and happily in a world that is far better than yours is at the moment. Any more questions, Suzy? Thank you for answering the ones I had in mind, Ashtar. It’s amazing how those people were so wonderfully treated and their living needs accommodated! Do you know if they and the people who love them can be reunited during this lifetime? No, I don’t know, but I think it’s very unlikely. The energy of love bonds assures reunion in spirit, but most of Earth’s residents have a long way to go in raising their consciousness level before meeting up physically is within their reality. Could mediums, or readers, here contact the “plane” people and get information for their families? Telepathic communication is universe-wide, but making those connections would be difficult. Only exceptional intermediaries are clearly attuned to the vibrations of souls very far beyond Nirvana—the world they’d need to reach is outside your solar system—and here again you’re dealing with lack of awareness. Most people on Earth believe only what they’ve personally experienced or have been taught, and telepathic communication isn’t widespread in either category. Well, OK, but can the facts about what happened be told after lots of your spaceships land and ETs who are living here become known? Yes, definitely!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:16:13 +0000

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