Malaysian Airlines Incident Many theories abound, confusion - TopicsExpress


Malaysian Airlines Incident Many theories abound, confusion reigns, the missing plane nowhere to be found! Police investigate flight engineer over disappearance of missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 The man, named as Mohd Khairul Amri Selamat, 29, is a Malaysian who is believed to have worked for a private jet charter. Police are investigating a flight engineer who was among the passengers on board the missing Malaysian Airlines jet. The man, named as Mohd Khairul Amri Selamat, 29, is a Malaysian who is believed to have worked for a private jet charter It comes as authorities focus on the pilots and anyone else on board who had technical flying knowledge. Yes, we are looking into Mohd Khairul as well as the other passengers and crew. The focus is on anyone else who might have had aviation skills on that plane, a senior police official with knowledge of the investigations said. Meanwhile a senior US congressman has said the disappearance of the aircraft was no accident. Congressman Michael McCaul, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, said the disappearance of flight MH370 on March 8 was an intentional, deliberate act to bring down this airplane. McCaul interview. Congressman McCaul told Fox News that there were a lot of warning signs surrounding the flight, including stolen passports used by two Iranian passengers and one-way tickets bought with cash that hijackers are known to do. We dont have any evidence that this is terrorist related, although you cant rule that out, he said. I think all the evidence is pointing towards the cockpit, towards the pilot and co-pilot. Relatives of the 239 passengers and crew on board missing Flight MH370 are clinging to every shred of evidence their loved ones are still alive. And last night they were given a major boost after the authorities admitted for the first time the missing Malaysia Airlines jet may have landed rather than crashed. As the search, widened a senior official in Kuala Lumpur confirmed it was “possible” ­satellite signals from the plane could have been sent while it was on the ground. That sparked hopes it may have been flown to a remote spot by hijackers who at some point will outline their demands. But there were also fears for the safety of those on board after the FBI described the ­disappearance as “an act of piracy”. The revelations came as pictures emerged of captain Shah, and co-pilot Hamid being searched before they boarded the flight at Kuala Lumpur airport on March 8, the day it vanished. The pair were routinely frisked then allowed to proceed. Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation chief Abdul Rahman revealed satellite “pings” were picked up from the jet six hours after the country’s military radar last detected it over the Malacca Strait at 2.15am on March 8. That means Flight MH370 could have reached as far north as Kazakhstan in Central Asia. Police continue to probe the background of captain Shah, who was once pictured wearing a T-shirt declaring “Democracy is Dead”. Officers yesterday examined a home-made flight simulator found at his house in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian transport minister ­Hishammuddin Hussein said: “Every day brings new angles, especially as we are focusing and expanding the search area. “The search was already a highly complex, multi-national effort. It has now become more difficult. The area has been expanded and has changed. We are now looking at large tracts of land, crossing 11 countries as well as deep, remote oceans. “The number of countries involved has increased from 14 to 25, which brings new ­challenges. This is a significant recalibration.”
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 09:15:56 +0000

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