Malaysian Diplomats participating in Reactive Session… - TopicsExpress


Malaysian Diplomats participating in Reactive Session… positive Step Report/by Ahmed Hassan Omer Khartoum , Nov. 4 , 2014 (SUNA)- International Relations is an important means in strengthening the worlds State relations with each other . It contributed more in building the bridge communication between nations of the worlds states in order to achieve the mutual interests exchange in accordance of treaties which ratified by the international law and worked on its organization in the diplomatic field which also played a pioneer role in development of the bilateral relations . The international communication process is important in mankinds life , because it has enhanced and participates in development of the ties and pushing them a head to achieve joint objectives for peoples interest . There is a great challenge facing the international relations constituting in conflicts and civil wars between worldwide states especially the borders issues which always lead to tension and effect on the diplomatic relations route . The political status quo has faced complicated challenges impacted on the international relations , the outcome of these the breaking out of the wars and damage affected more and have a clear negative result especially on the infrastructure domain in the third world developing countries which had suffered and still from the dangerous phenomenon , the main reason of the escalating these wars is the international cupidities which considered a new fashion for the modern imperialism from some circles have colony tendency . In this report I want to touch the distinguished bilateral relations between Sudan and Malaysia the two sides have an old deep rooted ties , and they always witness a permanent development in all domains , we can say that the bilateral ties between them are excellent , both at the economic and political level , as well as people -to people relations , Khartoum and Kuala Lumpur are witnessing a strategic relationship , the two friendly countries express satisfaction with the political and economic ties which bind them together in one glove for the best future . Who follows the Sudan and Malaysia historical relations , he will see that the relations is strategic and excellent because the two countries have exerted great efforts to create very close relations in last 20 years . Khartoum and Kuala Lumpur keen to translate these relations into diplomatic movement in order to interchange their experience in the field of training in all domains especially in education , diplomatic and scientific research through short and long courses to interchange experience . Khartoum keens to boost its relations with Kuala Lumpur and seeking to make it as sample because Malaysia is an important player in its economy and it has investment activities in Sudan . The workshop training which attended by some Malaysian diplomats is considered a positive step leads to promoting the mutual cooperation in all fields between them . However , Sudanese government had always worked for stronger ties with Malaysia , since coming to power and appreciated the support and friendly ties of Malaysian government which still remains strong and vibrant and will continue to play an active role in regional and global affairs . Like this sessions training no doubt it can play an important role and encourage the two sides to engage seriously in promoting cooperation in this field . Sudan and Malaysia are committed to enhancing their bilateral relations because Kuala Lumpur valued the positive sentiment shown by Khartoum , the workshop training which held in Sudan and attended by Malaysian diplomats was constructive and fruitful showing their satisfaction because they obtain the Sudanese experience in the field of diplomatic and other activities , the workshop provided opportunity for Malaysian participants to know the real situation in Sudan on to the ground which totally differ from its image being fabricated in western media .
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:06:51 +0000

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