Malaysians must change driving - TopicsExpress


Malaysians must change driving habits WE often hear stories about how people enjoy driving in countries like New Zealand, UK, Australia, US and Japan. Most of the time drivers in those countries driving on main roads would always give way to vehicles entering from the side or feeder roads (from both sides). Drivers there would stop at zebra crossings, never hog the roads, stop at traffic lights, give way to oncoming traffic at roundabouts. They also never beat the queue, always give way to emergency vehicles and never use the emergency lanes. In Malaysia, it is common to see drivers trying to beat the red lights all the time and thereby causing accidents. It is also common to see drivers who never give way to traffic that are entering from the side or feeder roads. Most drivers also do not bother stopping at zebra crossings. Many Malaysian drivers also do not use their traffic direction indicators. These drivers will either turn left or right, slow down or stop as they wish sometimes requiring the vehicle behind to brake suddenly. In many cases, this would result in accidents involving two or more cars. Then there is one group of drivers who use the indicators but think that they are entitled to the right of way and would zoom past you, either on the right or the left. Many drivers when driving through roundabouts, seem to think that when they want to take the left road after the roundabout, they do not have to stop to give way to oncoming traffic from the right. Sadly, most of those guilty of doing this are the younger drivers. Technology also is to be blamed for bad driving habits and sometimes, accidents. Most people have mobile phones and we see many drivers using them and even sending text messages while driving and they are oblivious to the danger they may cause themselves and to the other road users. Malaysians should practise good driving habits and obey traffic rules and importantly value their lives and that of other road users. HUSSAINI ABDUL KARIM, Shah Alam, Selangor
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:01:51 +0000

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