Malaysias National Day 31 August 1957 marks the day that the - TopicsExpress


Malaysias National Day 31 August 1957 marks the day that the Federation of Malaya gained its independence from British colonization, forming what we know of today as Malaysia. Hence, 31 August is a National Public Holiday to commemorate and celebrate the freedom and independence gained. This day is also known as Hari Merdeka in the Malay language and that is why the celebration of Independence Day is incomplete without the seven shouts of “Merdeka!”. This gesture was initiated by the 1st Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman back in 1957 at Merdeka Stadium. Although Sabah and Sarawak gained their independence on 31 August 1963, Hari Merdeka is a significant date throughout Malaysia. On this day, Malaysians from all backgrounds, race and religion celebrate together in a harmonious way. Traditionally, a grand and colourful parade is held at the Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur, where people can attend and celebrate. Various government agencies and private sectors join together to participate in the parade. They will march in front of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (the King), ministers and special guests. In short, Malaysias National Day serves as a reminder to all Malaysians to appreciate the tough fight our ancestors had fought and to educate the current generation about the spirit of Independence. 马来西亚国庆日 1957年8月31日记录了马来亚联邦从英国的殖民统治获得独立,并形成了我们今天所认识的马来西亚。因此,8月31日是全国公共假日,以纪念和庆祝所获得的自由和独立。 这一天在马来语也被称为Hari Merdeka (译音 : 默迪卡日),这就是为什么在这独立日的庆祝活动当中没有高喊 “默迪卡!“七次是不会完整的。这个动作是由马来西亚第一任首相东姑阿都拉曼早在1957年在默迪卡体育场发动。 虽然沙巴和砂拉越获得独立于1963年8月31日,Hari Merdeka ( 默迪卡日) 是整个马来西亚特别的日子。在这一天,来自不同背景,种族和宗教的马来西亚人以和谐的方式一起庆祝。传统上,盛大,多姿多彩的游行会在吉隆坡的独立广场举行,人们可以参加和一起庆祝。各政府机构和私营部门联合起来,参与游行。他们会在国家元首 (国王)、部长和特邀嘉宾面前游行。 总而言之,马来西亚的国庆日的宗旨在于提醒全国人民感激先人们曾经艰辛的战斗以及教育这一代有关独立的精神。
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:17:35 +0000

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