@Malesela Wa Monare at some stage as Correctional Officials like - TopicsExpress


@Malesela Wa Monare at some stage as Correctional Officials like any other workers in the workplace our conditions of employment should and must unit us into seeking answers and practical solutions... We cant always be competing against each other but supplement each others ideas and now and then seek common ground and smoke a peace pipe ... Correctional Officials are wounded we dont want a situation where Correctional Officials will rather prefer not to have a trade union whatsoever... Questions are being asked as into the relevance of trade unions if workers will carry on being faced with challenges that must and should be addressed by trade union... And instead of trade unions address those issues are at each others throat ... I am appealing to each and every one of us lets pass that... We have done it a lot its tym to cease that... Lets us indeed agree to disagree without destroying the goodness in each of us... Sometimes our individual conscious must and should appeal into us to do a noble thing over doing what we think is the right thing... Its too late already but it enough now why should ma blood be boiled by a fellow Colleague due to union affiliation or even political affiliation for that matter... Fortunately in DCS we have a code of conduct as into how to relate into each other can we kindly have that in mind even when we engage into platforms of this nature... I dont hate any union or being I am only differ in how other unions are doing things and how other individual articulate on certain things... But when we do introspection u and we will find that we have more in common than we think... And we have less issues than we are currently blowing things out of proportion... When engaging in plat4ms of this magnitude u cease to be a follower u become a leader... Hence we have beings following us and we are following... We should and must behave as such all the time... We should and must kindly refrain from taking and taking things personally... I dont wanna lie its ma hope and ma aspirations that all Correctional Officials organize selves under one trade union... When dealing with Correctional Officials they are as well beings with their own aspirations and desires and thats what makes life interesting... What we should and must be doing is action should speak louder than words... What is it that we are doing to attract members to join or maintain into our respective unions through genuinely servicing them... We should and must do away with previous methods and strategies of threatening and intimidating ppl into joining us... U will never attract bees by the bitter juice or salt... But by sugar or honey... I am appealing to respective trade unions in DCS its shouldnt be about u always but ordinary members who are working in unbearable unsafe compromised working conditions... Correctional Officials who are day in day out subject into constructive dismissals as they are being set up to fail through policies that are know that are purposely being compromised in the name of shortage... Rules and regulations that are not adhered into by the employer and trade union fail to ensure that the employer adheres into all these things and that the bread and butter issues of the workers are being championed... Let us genuinely have interest of fellow working class at heart cease to use trade unions to butter our own bread both side while other have no bread at all... And further more les us allow to be leader by those who have been entrusted to lead us... We cant all be leaders and those that are leading havent placed them selves there to leader but have been elected into such leadership role... So dont blame them but those who have elected them even so whats done cannot be undone... Nxt tym make yo choices correctly...so that u blame no one... I agree with Itu when he said each and every level has its primary role to play... Each and every trade union effectiveness or non effectiveness is more into its immediate structures not provincial of national structures... We should and must stop blaming other for our own failing into executing our individual roles... Further more not every challenge in DCS needs a trade union for it to be resolved other issues here need members to speak in one voice and unit in taking action our challenge in DCS members dont want to come out they want other to do things for them without them appearing as bad ppl to management... Hence its tym to individually ask ourselves am I part of the solution in DCS or part of the problem... What action as an employee of this employer DCS am I taking in making sure that the contract of employment I have entered into when I got employed here is still honored by both parties... How am I failing into those terms and conditions and how is as well the employer failing its obligations... We have no time to look at critical and constructive issue that will and should be making DCS an ideal employer for all of us we spend a lot of our time and energy infighting as labour... Let us cease to fail our kids and posterity... Lets improve DCS in our time let us cease to be power mongers and power possessed...
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:08:41 +0000

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