Mama My mother is my perfect mirror. The whole world, the whole - TopicsExpress


Mama My mother is my perfect mirror. The whole world, the whole universe, reflects back to me the infinite aspects of my Self - the good, the bad and the infinite between - and that is how I learn about Myself. That is how I learn about God. That is how I begin to know more and more, ad infinitum, about Who and What I am. All the things I dislike are parts of me, parts of the Totality of All That Is, that somewhere along the way I judged and condmned and excluded from my Love, from Gods Love. And now these parts are calling out for Love, calling on me to bring them back home, into my heart, into Gods Heart, from where they never truly left and only appeared to have been gone. And all the things I like are parts of the Totality of All That Is that somewhere along the way I blessed and loved and welcomed into my heart, into Gods Heart, from where they never really left. Those Who Know, the sages, the prophets, the saints, the True Lovers, the Lovers of God, the Knowers of God, the Enlightened Ones, the Awakened Ones, the Truth-realized, those who have gone beyond the world of name and form, those who abide in brilliant, radiant nondual Awareness; they can only know so much, because Infinity is Infinite, boundless, limitless and free, so they are just as small as the smallest of us and just as vast as the vastest of us. God is mine and mine alone, and though I cannot prove the existence of anything or anyone other than my Self, if I do speculate that others do exist and arent figments of my infinite imagination - of Gods infinte imagination - then for each of these others, for each of these other vantage points, for each of these other Selves, God is theirs and theirs alone. I am the sole beholder of All That Is, and if others do exist, then they too are the sole beholders of All That Is. Such is the marvelous paradox of my existence, of Existence, and the Mind will never wrap its tiny head around it. It asks, how? And gets the funky answer: Thats the way it is; which initially translates into bafflement, and then evolves, matures, grows, into wonderment - the eternal WOW. How can it possibly be that I am both Everythingness AND Nothingness?! Answer: Thats the way it is. Now, back to the mirror business. Im pretty sure everyone is equally blessed to have the kind of parents they have, whether they come disguised as angels to reflect back our beauty, or whether they come as devils so we can look ever so closely till we see through their seeming devilry and thus see through our seeming own and back again to their and thus our angelry. Im pretty sure all that, but when it comes down to it, I can only speak for myself and in my own experience. That being said, my mother, the human being who bore and brought into this world this entity that I call Me, happens to be an embodiment of a Love of such magnitude, of such vastness, of such unimaginable strength and sweetness and integrity and rightness, that I, with my borderline arrogant entitlement to life, with my knowledge of my own boundless Totality, with my conviction of my divine inheritance, with my mountain might force and my feather fire fondness, can only bow down in lush ambrosial humility, heart out on bended knees, rapturous grace gushing out my soul, in warm benevolent gratitude, in immense prodigious thankfulness, in capacious expansive appreciation, because what did I do to deserve such a gift? What have I offered in return for such bestowal? What could I even imagine as rebate for such gratuity and bounty and boon? Nothing is what. Absolutely nothing. When the Game of Life truly begins, when the Mind starts looking for the Heart, when the soul is initiated on its quest for Truth, the question, Whats it all for? comes knocking at our door. It comes and it comes again and again and again. The answer, of course, is Love. Love is what its all for. Love is why Life. But of course saying it is something and knowing it is something else altogether. And as the quest progresses and the seeker grows, Love reveals itself in its myriad shapes and infinite forms and it grows as the seeker grows and flowers as the seeker blooms. Love is revealed to be impersonal in the extreme, in that it turns any and everything it touches into itself. No holds barred. No strings attached. No power or force compares. If you want Love you dont go out and get it. If you want Love, you take your clothes off, you take your skin off, you take your spirit off, you take your Divinity off and you throw yourself at its feet and Love - when it sees nothing left of you but your silent scream for it - Love then moves in and takes you back into itself. And thats what they call Death. Thats Love Impersonal. Love Immaculate. Love Eternal. Love Extreme. Love Universal. Love Cosmic. Love of Truth. Love of God. Now, take it down a notch, take it down a sliver where it isnt totally ineffable and where we can look at it and talk about it without being burned to delicious amorous ash; bring it down to duality, bring it closer to the personal, to the human, bring it nearer to that and you have the being I call My Mother. Infinite Love made manifest. Divine Love incarnate. Pure love in name, shape and form. Such a beauty and an irony and a blessing that the more we realize our Godhead the humbler and simpler we emerge as, the gentler and more awestruck we become, the more beautiful and wonderful we perceive ourselves, eachother and the universe. Insofar as I have seen, inasmuch as Ive encountered, in what large or little Ive happened upon in my short time here on Earth, I have not seen more Love expressed as I have seen expressed through my mother. I have not felt more Love presented and gifted and freely given as I have felt thrown out by my mother. And i have not experienced a persistence and a consistency and a devotion in Love as I have experienced conferred through my mother. And I have seen her spread it far and wide in all directions of the universe and in every part of her world and in every world her own heart touches. But most of all Ive seen it in mine. Ive seen her Love gushing out of her center out towards mine, ceaselessly, inexhaustibly, limitlessly, coating my mind in a snowglobe of delightful amity, covering my heart in a glaze of ardent fidelity, and laminating my soul with a light that cannot be confused with anything other than the beatific Light of the Heart of God Himself. And that gushing never stops, never stammers, never breaks, and will never yield until it transforms all of me into Itself, and when that time comes, it will yield not still, for there will then remain the rest of the world, and then the Universe, and then All That Is. I pray to God to make me worthy of that Love, to make me right in His eyes, in her eyes and in the eyes of the world; to devote my life and my heart and my soul to God and to Truth and to Love, in service to every being I encounter and in gratitude for every breath I am blissfully breathed. I pray this for myself, and for my brothers and sisters everywhere, for we are all Pure Love, Radiant Awareness, Children of the Divine. I love you, Mother. Always.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:25:28 +0000

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