Man - the most amazing unique creature! Does it point towards a - TopicsExpress


Man - the most amazing unique creature! Does it point towards a super-intelligent designer? Why man alone is such a unique living being? Can evolution theory explain it? Is man just only an advanced ape? Or is it better explained by the Creation theory. Usually when we see a sophisticated machine, we think about its intricacies and assume that there is an intelligent person, behind its making. The same intelligent way of assumption, why don’t we use, when we see complex living beings, which are thousands of times more complicated than machines? In case of these living beings, we simply assume that they came into existence spontaneously. Is this not irrational? Then what about man, the most advanced form of a living being with such unique abilities, which are not seen in ordinary animals. There is something different in man from other living beings in this world. No other species on earth send one of its members to the moon. No other creature carry out projects involving many years, and require the coordinated efforts of many individuals, like the Apollo space mission, which sent man to the moon. Why can’t the other creatures do it, although they have far greater populations, and some of them have amazing abilities that are lacking in humans? Man cannot fly like the birds, or swim like fish, or climb like monkeys. Still human beings can travel in air, or through water or reach the top of the tallest tree. Most amazing things is that humans can do things very differently. They can accomplish wonderful feats, no other living being can do. Humans think up new ideas, create plans, prepare ahead of time for problems, and carry their plans forward to completion. A very unique human trait is to perform things, which has never been done before, after first visualizing it in his mind. Speech is another unique human ability for communication, without which, for example, a space mission cannot be executed. Although many animal species can communicate, some of them even in surprising ways, none of them have ability to speak like humans, so clearly. Yet another unique human trait is the combination of self-consciousness and free will. As humans, we are able to recognize ourselves as individuals and to take decisions about what we will do in a particular situation. This combination makes us responsible for our decisions. It gives us a sense of morality. This moral sense motivates many people to behave responsibly and reliably, allowing us to cooperate on a larger scale, far beyond anything simple animals can do. Religion is another stuff which is seen only in humans. No other species could possibly have religious habits, because as we have seen before, they lack a sense of morality. Why humans should be unique, different from all other species on earth? Humans seem similar to other mammals. They have similar organs, similar arms and legs, and they reproduce also similarly. There are similarities in their genes also. Then, why are humans and animals so different? People come out with two entirely different answers for this question: evolution and creation. Evolutionary theory suggests that humans are simply advanced apes that have developed superior brains. Our language and speech, our self-consciousness, and our mechanical abilities are seen as simply improvements in things other species do. Many evolutionists may argue that humans don’t really have free will and the morality that comes with it, even though it seems like we do. There are a number of problems with this view. One of the most troubling problems is that, this evolutionary process, which would exist only to ensure survival, cannot explain why human beings have abilities far beyond those needed just to survive. Why should humans appreciate art, music, and beauty? What evolutionary advantage is gained by the ability to paint a picture, or to compose a poem, or to enjoy the beauty of a flower? There are many similar objections that could be made. Instead, what if humans were created by a Being with powers beyond our understanding? Could that explain why we have these kinds of abilities? Let’s take some time to explore the Biblical story of creation. The book of Genesis describes the creation of man in this way: 1. Humans were created out of the dirt (Gen. 2:7). That is, out of the same carbon-based building blocks as every other kind of life on earth. 2. They were created in two forms: male and female (Gen. 1:27). With complementary parts and organs, they were created with the ability to reproduce new humans. 3. They were created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). That means, in some way, their abilities were a reflection of God’s abilities. There is no question that the first 2 parts of the Bible’s creation account are true. Humans are carbon-based life forms, just as all life on earth are. And humans can reproduce, re-creating human babies. However if the 3rd part of the creation account is accurate, (which says man is created in the image of God) what would that mean? That can explain why human beings are unique, because they were created in “the image of God”. That makes sense too, that is why we have abilities that other animals do not have. Remember, Bible does not say that animals were created in the image of God. The Bible describes God as a Being of relationships, Someone who wants to be in a relationship with humans. Like God, we are beings of relationships. We live in families, in communities, and in nations. The human ability to have relationships with others may be a reflection of one part of the image of God. What about human creativity? Does it not reflect the immense creativity of God? Human creativity goes far beyond anything needed just to survive. This creativity allows humans to solve many complex problems and plan ahead. With our creativity, we also explore things not just needed for survival, but things, for example like beauty. The tremendous beauty in this world cannot be explained by the theory of spontaneous formation, because beauty is not needed for survival or formation. That means somebody who is a lover of beauty is behind it, which we call God. Similarly humans have created colorful paintings, dramatic sculptures, magnificent buildings and bridges, and many kinds of music. But these only faintly imitate the beauty in sunsets and flowers, in natural landscapes, and in the sounds of birds and other creatures. Bible describes God as somebody who is trustworthy and responsible. In the creation account, God allots humans also responsibility. They are assigned to manage the resources of the earth and take care of it, which God has created (Genesis 1:28). Humans are also given the responsibility to “multiply,” by producing children. In Bible we read of God as love and having emotions. Animals don’t have real love and emotions, which is seen only in man. This is also one of the attributes which humans got as a part of the image of God. In conclusion, man is very unique. The existence of God, the super intelligent designer behind it, and the Bible story could only explain it. It can explain why human beings have such amazing abilities, which are not seen in other creatures, far beyond that is needed for survival. Is not true that our special abilities reflect the “image of God”? Is our ability to form relationships and our creativity just a result of an accident? Did our love of beauty, our complex language skills, our abstract thinking, and our free will just happen without cause? It seems unimaginable and highly improbable that the very things that make us human, are only a result of random chance. May God open our eyes to see Him behind every man! Welcome to this page for more messages https://facebook/SomeTruthsThatYouShouldNotMiss
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:47:14 +0000

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