Man! After watching so many videos of this kind or hearing this - TopicsExpress


Man! After watching so many videos of this kind or hearing this type of situation live...I wonder, whats wrong with the people who support this type of wackness?! I dont post my opinion regarding DJ culture often because it can come across as haterism. But I dont give a @#$%. Im a DJ and this crap has gone on too long and it aint stopping anytime soon. All this fake djing is going around the world, but I recall LA getting hit the hardest by the wackness of the CELEBRITY DJ. We have the most celebs, hence...the clubs got desperate during one of the USAs economic downfalls. So, instead of using the fundamentals of marketing, and building their entertainment and saving in the long run, they put themselves in the hole and shut down left and right. Spending 100s of 1000s of dollars to bring in celebs who fake dj and have freejays open for them. In this particular video, at 35:30, Paris Hilton started video recording the crowd... Then, get this... SHE spilled water on her own computer and tried to blame the crowd at 37:32. O_o Ive had some f ups which were my own fault and never ever blamed my crowd. You should never play with the eq knobs when you dont know crap about the elements of a song! UGH. This was one of the most annoying videos that Ive seen in awhile. No DJ is perfect. Some DJs are super lazy and suck and are ungrateful to their audiences. Other DJs are beyond amazing, but theyre not famous and you may never hear their awesomeness. I can only respect you if you really study music and put your sets together from your perception, not bumming off of someone elses sets while having someone PRERECORD for you. Yes, many DJs (I do) need to step up their marketing, social networking, etc, but that should never be the main focus. Your SKILLS should always reign. I know my strengths, rockin parties. I study history of genres, played instruments, studied music theory and practice like many of my peers. I cant and wont respect this. Im not targeting only Paris Hilton because she is only one of many, especially in Hollywood, who got a laptop, bummed music off of someone and had someone put a set together for them. She is simply an example of the many. Hey, she might be a cool gal and fun or whatever, but were not talking about that. Were talking about music culture here. Its embarrassing! There arent too many DJs; there are too many FAKE DJs and FREEJAYS.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 14:31:28 +0000

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