Man: Good Evening Derya: Good Evening Man: Will you dance with - TopicsExpress


Man: Good Evening Derya: Good Evening Man: Will you dance with me? Derya: Dance?...Ok Man: Are you On the brides side? Derya: yes...But I get king of irritated by the girl.Hope you are not one of her relatives or somrthing? Man: No Iam a friend of the groom from high school.Meeting someone is really tough. i wish there was a system..where you could load every thing qucikly into the brain. Derya: We save a lot of time Man: lets make it faster Derya: How? Man: we will choose three things about ourselves to tell. Derya: What kinds of thing ? Man: Private thingss...i will go first then you carry on ok? Derya: i am not sure Man: whats there to be sure about? its easy i am starting..i can cook great fish Derya: Is that private?? Man:Sure it is i cook great fish stew ..Ur turn Derya: Iam terrified of knives Man:thats doesnt count..Every onr is Derya:No thats different ..I cant even hold a knife or if anyone put a knife on table i am scared even if its my mom Man: you are kidding Derya: no its ture Man:ok give me another one Derya:but its ur turn Man;forget turns just carry on Derya: all right..i am terrified of the morning call prayer (fajir zaan) Man; you are not Muslim? Derya:No i mean when i wakeup at dawn..every thing is quit but suddnly you hear a man calling azaan in quit and dark ..its just leave well there is a recurring dream i have i am in a crweded place every thing is normal then somrthing happens everyone suddenly vanishes and i am left alone..its ridiculius huh Man; No its ok i also have dream like that Voice: He is here. Derya: yes Man: what? Derya: what did you said? Man; i was saying that i have dreams too Derya: no u were saying somrthing else Man;i think i was going Onur: derya ..we are here. Deryas Mom; did you saw that shameless guy.he asked derya for dance in front of her mother ..useless Onur: its not his fault he must be raised in manerles family Deryas Mom; you are right Derya;Mom we should call brother when we get home Deryas Mom; yay i have to inform him that i am coming london to see him Onur; really you didt told me Deryas Mom; sorry is just forget to tell you..well at first derya was coming with me then she start saying that she have somr office work she is busy then i decided to left this idiot here ..glad she dont want to go london Onur; yaa she very sincere with her work.. well you dont worry i will take care of her here Derya; what a pity Onur is still a bit weired Deryas Mom;he still could not get over it Derya;Mom is not that normal ..his wife died in his arms Deryas Mom;yay and hes a handsome boy with a good jod and everything means he could get any girls he wants you know what i mean Derya; Mom i dont see him in that way Deryas Mom;you are stupid he is perfact for you Derya; Mom!! Deryas Mom;well he is better then the jurk you were dancing with Derya; he also left Deryas Mom;why? derya; the song ended Deryas Mom; thank god otherwise i was sacred that he might ask your number Derya; well nobody haver ever asked Deryas Mom;Onur has ..he have asked your number Derya; no it was yours Deryas Mom taking with her son Son;how are you Mom how was the wedding? Deryas Mom;it was good ,derya come i taking with your brother Derya;I am busy Next scene while derya was sleeping Voice;Wake up Derya: Mom... Mom is that you? Derya: Mom? Deryas Mom; hold this or you will gonna die alone Next Scene Deryas Mom; good morning Derya: good morning Deryas Mom; did you have a dream last night Derya; aha Deryas Mom;i hear you were talikng with some one but when i came into your room you were complete asleep Derya: well its beacuse of my work . Deryas Mom;waht do you mean? Derya ; why you need explanation Deryas Mom; why not? Derya; dont know Deryas Mom; dear if you are sick i can admit you in metal hospita ,or somrthing Derya; dont start again Mom.. Deryas Mom;well i was just worried cause i am your mom you act always weird ,people run away from you its just me who cares about you i am your Motherr Voice;deryaaa ..its a lie all are lieing Derya;what? Deryas Mom;nothig dear Derya; no what did you say? Deryas Mom;derya what happen? derya did you mind? Derya; no mom its somrthing else just hold my hand Deryas Mom;Sweetie i didnot mean to upset you,i didnt mean to break your heart.but its time to find someone to shre your life cant keep saying i dont want to merry .. Or you will gonna die Alone Deryas Mom;All right all right i am done Next Scene Filiz: This one or this one? Derya;this one Filiz; yes of course thats the one .serkan keeps insisting this is the one..soo he pissed off without saying his name ha? Derya;hmm;mm Filiz and why that happen? Derya;i told him about my self Filiz; aha now i see you told him about your dreams right? dreams knives and morning call to prayer. you are incredible..what was the onther guy at the mall the one you also scared like this? How many times do i have to tell you..dont spill all your secrest right away. Filiz;Derya are you ok? Derya; not really Filiz;whats wrong? Derya; never mind Filiz;Men dont get it they dont like girls with sorrows or dramas you cry in front of them and they are gonna leave you in two days. why beacuse they like girls like me happy and Smilimg ..happy anf smilling thats the scerect Derya; i guess.. people dont like me then. Onur; good morning Derya + filiz;Good morning Mr.onur Onur;your brothers daughtes name was gizem right ? Derya; Yes Onur; Two and a half year old? Derya; yes Filiz; what was that about ? you lookes vey intimate? Derya;Intimate ? with onur? Dont be ridiculous filiz .he used to be our neughbor you know.he used to love me alot when we were kids. Filiz;i think he still does. So you have an influential person behind you ,thats good,i have a auestion have you been to his room lately? Derya;yes Filiz; have you checked his desk? Derya;why, why should i? Filiz;he used to have a photo of his late wife on his its gone Derya;is not that normal filiz? its been over a year since the accident Filiz;A year has passed,accidents dear wifes and the mourning has been forgotten now he is hitting on you. Derya;Hitting on me,nooo! Mind your own Busuness will you? filiz;come on i just sat down.good morning filiz speaking how may i help you? Voice;Did you not wake up yet? Wake Up! Onur;are you ok? Derya;i am ok.i did push the button actually ,but..i didnt understand what happened. Onur;never mind ,go and wash your face if you like Derya;speak, why dont you speak now. speak! i am so fool,never mind Filiz;Could you please tell me your mother;s maiden name? Next scene filiz;Honey. i am ok i am leaving..but why?? but you promise we sill go on date..ok kisses...My date with serkan is off Voice;dont get in,dont get on ,dont!dont get on ,dont! filiz;Derya are you ok? Voice;dont get in Derya;what do you want from me? Voice; we will play a game Derya;which game Voice;cold and warm do you know how to play? Derya;warm when i get closer and cold asi get further away right? Voice;yes for instance now cold..cold cold ..warm warm warm
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 18:11:06 +0000

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