Man Oh Man, we were 45 Participants Deep TONIGHT! My DTF/DTZ squad - TopicsExpress


Man Oh Man, we were 45 Participants Deep TONIGHT! My DTF/DTZ squad killed it tonight. We brought the straight Fire TONIGHT! I told my babies that we had to start our first Zumba/Zumba Toning Workout Meltdown Monday of the New Year with a BIGGER bang than ever before, guess what WE DID IT TEAM. Killa Diva T is feeling it right now!! I almost forgot to put some mild songs in tonights mix, back to back straight hardcore workout tonight. In this video we got our running in. Love It!! Shout-outs to my fitness babies and my newbies babies that joined us tonight. Newbies keep it up and dont stop, results come with hard work. We not only rocked it hard with the Zumba, but the B12 shots and FFF kit orders were being placed. My team is truly focused and Im going to keep the old and new students focus. My Diva Zumba baby Tekia Watson started back on Saturday and rocked it in class tonight, holding the back crew down with Mommas Teresa J. Bush and Carla Foster Rhodes. Thanks Diva Monet Camper, Salome Cooper-Bey, Gemia Green, Venetia Royalty Roberts, Kisha Kish and Shantel for rocking the routines with me. Everybody else dont worry your time of me bringing you to the front is coming LOL! My Diva Latia N. Lynch, proud of the heavy weights you were lifting while dancing, get it. Im so proud of my entire class, YOU ALL REALLY ROCKED IT AND HAND CLAPS. Momma Diva T is all smile, I will sleep good tonight!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:49:39 +0000

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